
I used to own '97 Maxima and it was solid. Do you think the M45 is lesser quality build?

how reliable are they? Maybe I could swap my DD :-)

ahh. Good old times. My first car was R19 but 1.4l petrol. My friend had Clio Williams. That was a piece to have back in 90's.

There was also Saab NG900 with Sensonic transmission (clutchless). I think Top Gear did a review of it once (bashing it of course).

Raphael, You and I both know a place where this thing could happen :-)

For this very reason I stopped going to any C&C's - it's a cell phone show rather then conversation with drivers/owners. Admire the beauty of car and technology used in to - crappy pics can be found anywhere on the Internets.

I know this is a bit above the limit, but so sexy:

I had always soft spot for CL-class. Maybe I would just skip those rims and go with something more road capable.

I own CRV, and was looking forward to upgrade to Pilot, but not this one.

Wow... bleh... like anything else... makes me want to pickup older, boxy one now. At least it will look like a real SUV - 2016 is just enlarged cross-over.

Where was it when I had to plow my driveway???!!!!

Now playing

Some more video footage from EVO magazine.

That's pretty simple to explain... WRC is very difficult for spectators. Its spread apart stages - and little action in between. That's why there is Rally Cross - stadium alternative to WRC - 2-3hrs of fun in one place.

There is pretty easy way to get one legally. Maybe not the cheapest, but possible. Get someone in Eastern Europe to buy you 25-year-old shell; restore it to mint condition using newest components; and ship it over here to US. It'll most likely cost you $10-15k once all done, but damn so worth it :-)

thank You Nissan. You just made me relive those beautiful memories of my 4th gen. Time for ebay hunting.

Not only he didn't crash but after he's going fast. SS4 and 5 he was the quickest.... Faster then sleeping Loeb.

If I'm reading this correctly, then the upload protocol is opened and easy to intercept. Which means that skillful hacker can not only read the transmitted data, but as well inject manipulated data into the system - simply - upload fake driving records.... Nice :-)

Time for you to sign up for the next rally in our region... and beg beg beg for a ride on any SS.