
You know, Arch? Your comment was my thoughts on this subject exactly.

HD Burnside skate park means I buy this and find a system that'll run it, even if there's no sounds.

I'm thinking of the second Appleseed apparently.

Huh, I guess I am thinking of the second Appleseed movie. I just remember Ghost in the Shell, then quite a bit later seeing Appleseed EVERYWHERE! Did it get a re-release?

Didn't it come long before Appleseed? I'm not too good with time, but I remember being GitS a good ten years before I ever heard of Appleseed.

Ok, clarification for my own understanding:

Well, that's a nice change.

"The art is nice though so I give Daniels props for that."

That's not true, especially if you're paying with a card. Buddy of mine used his card to pay for Xbox Live once, they charged him for the next three months without telling him, refused to refund him, said that they would stop charging him, charged him for another three months while he jumped through their hoops, each

(Ok, stop thinking about sex, stop thinking about sex, NAKED WOMEN! Naked Buffy?)

I'm still pulling for the Willow/Snaketits thing that was happening in the comics. I opened a random one for the heck of it and had no idea what was going on at all. I decided I was going to put that back on the shelf and pretend I'd opened an issue of Taroh instead. Also, don't Willow and Kennedy break up like

It very nearly is.

Jenny is the computer teacher that Giles nearly hooks up with repeatedly.

That always seemed like it would hurt. There's so many buttons and sharpish edges.

And then the levitating. . .

This seems to be Season 2, meaning that they're all 16-17 and Willow's on the verge of Oz. Which should have a scene doggie style if porn has any puns left in it.

Well, I guess in my statement about appearance I was taking choice out of the manner when that's really the more important issue than appearance. You're example you're choosing the makeup, while it is a social obligation for my girlfriend, not a choice. It seems more likely that choice and the ability to choose

He's basically the city of Portland in wolf form.

I'm pretty sure you could combo before too, the game just didn't keep score. I'll need to break it out and play it now.

It's so terrible. It's really, really bad. Spike obsessiveness is not healthy by a long shot, but he's evil, so I guess unhealthy is his schtick, Buffy is forcefully yanked out of heaven into this reality of pain and decides that having destructive, self-hating, but convenient, sex with the only male dumb enough to