
I thought they couldn't do Panderan because of some anti-panda violence law in China risking that whole market? Did something change on that front?

No. No it wasn't. In fact, it's one of the few games I've finished recently.

Another Warcraft game means plot advancement outside of the WoW paradigm. Because WoW is their primary income they cannot afford to risk their current constant income on potential to alienate everyone. That and WoW has pretty much ran the setting into the dirt. They're resurrecting villains in order to have someone to

I like the way that her boobs are drawn on the costume.

I am annoyed. Currently the pre-order price for Heart of the Swarm is $60. I don't want to pay that for a nerfed single-player campaign and a multiplayer game that I'm not going to play. I like RTS games, but I'm not on the level required to even play in the bronze league in SCII, and haven't the time or the urge to

It's almost like they're taking notes from Games Workshop. If it's not Space Marines, Fuck 'em.

That's kinda dumb.

Once. Best night of my life.

I'm never going to see this movie, anyone like to spoil the end for me in the reply? I did like the "Bloody Mary"scene in the trailer.

I want to see it simply to know if it continues the trend of Milla starting off films naked. Every movie of hers I've seen she starts in the shower, or reborn as the perfect life form, or in a jar, or in the shower again. It's really an amazing streak.

THey lost me when they cast Jovovich as Milady DeWinter, Then the trailers focused entirely on her doing acrobatics in an 18th century dress. That's just implausible, and out of character.

Is this gonna be a straight up fight or another bug hunt?

It was a very "what separates us from them moment that the whole film had been leading up to. I loved it.

She's a pirate, so she needs a puffy blouse.

That was the point of 28 days, though. He had to become the monster to destroy the humans who were the true monsters. He saved his crew by becoming such a terrified force that the ladies think that he WAS infected for a bit when he returns. I thought that was a great moment. Sushine I can't support much, though.

Jeffster threesome.

It's not going to be a "social RPG" You can play with friends like an actual multiplayer online game. From what it sounds like it's going to be leaning on the "play" side of "free-to-play."

I really hated MechAssault Really Really Hated. I liked the idea of 3015 just because that's not a time period they've covered in video games. Does 3048 mean that it's going to be related to the St. Ives Compact battles with the Kell Hounds? That looks like the only actions I can find that year.

I haven't been able to play it because I'm a PC player, and there are no servers. I was under the impression that it was awful not for gameplay, but for being broken all over.

The funny thing is that teleportation is one of the things that Shadowrun magic CAN NOT DO. The top minds in magical research are working on it, though.