
@nophilip: I now want Bruce Willis to show up randomly simply because the base is his house and he is secretly funding Torchwood US. Jack and Gwen making their plan to save the world form super evil, Bruce wanders through the background, gets some milk, wanders back out.

@storymark: Yeah, that was just a tone of not paying attention.

@jpedersen: You mean you aren't also trying to forget that movie?

Well, I'm stocking the holy water and crosses.

@Spaceboy: I was reading the Angel RPG book eariler today. They had a great mention of how angst-ridden vampires love d10s.

@JennaW: Having been on both ends of that rant, I can tell you it is both glorious and terrifying.

@m_faustus: Though I would kick him down the stairs sober, I agree with your assessment of the Wall-E credits.

@JennaW: I'm going with Font Nerd.

@sollipse: Yeah, but no one likes him.

@Eriah: The audio is a simulation heard by the pilot in order to get the point of lasers! across. It's an additional sensory warning. I think a Star Wars book handwaved that.

@John_Hazard: I thought it was hilarious that was how he differentiated between the two.

@John_Hazard: To paraphrase a friend of mine: "Anne Hathaway is hot, but a unique hot. She's hot, but different from how Megan Fox is hot. Megan Fox is hot, but there's lots of girls who look like Megan Fox, Anne is classy hot. When you fantasize about Megan Fox she's naked, she just is naked, but when you fantasize

@Jagiya: Well, part of it is that Riley is a naive Idealist who saw things in pretty much Black/White, and had no reason to suspect that there'd been any sort of switch even possible. Peter's an idiot.

@blackoak: Well, Walter does often seem to be more vivacious as seasons move forward.

@Damios: Skulls for Lord Santa!: They probably are, it seems like the poor blue guys lose more identity all the time, but currently the Marines To Hate are the Blood Angels, because they totally teamed up with the Necrons.

@Damios: Skulls for Lord Santa!: They probably are, it seems like the poor blue guys lose more identity all the time, but currently the Marines To Hate are the Blood Angels, because they totally teamed up with the Necrons.

@Lovebeast: To be fair, powerfists strike at initiative 1 and it didn't look like it was on.

@Damios: Skulls for Lord Santa!: Yeah, I mean, it's not like they didn't earn their perfection, it's mostly that now that they have achieved perfection everyone needs to be reminded of it constantly. Ever had a professor teach from his own text book? They sound like that guy. Mostly that's Games Workshops fault by

@tetracycloide: That's cuz touching chaos means letting it touch you. That's a bad end there.

@Damios: Skulls for Lord Santa!: As a Tyranid player I wish my codex wasn't entirely about THE VALOR AND SACRIFICE OF THE ULTRAMARINES! I mean, come on, the Salamanders are better equipped for a bug hunt, and their not quite as snotty about being perfect as the Ultramarines are. Plus Ultramarine is a dumb name.