@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: I . . . I don't know what to say. Was this while TLC was The Learning Channel?
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: I . . . I don't know what to say. Was this while TLC was The Learning Channel?
@Batmanuel: Wait, Bravo was good?
@Batmanuel: Hopefully it's the same guy who decided syfy should run wrestling.
@Brangdon: Well, it's entirely possible that those scientists aren't sure what happens in time travel. Those guys could be Electrical Engineers getting the machines running, with a string theory prof helping them with the math.
@thecactusman17: Big problem is terrain use. It's desperately hard to get across the board on some setups.
io9 editors wear camisoles?
@switchintoglide: HOLY CRAP TRON BOWLING!
@dracosummoner: I'm colorblind. Redgreen is no contrast.
@thecactusman17: I was speaking in terms of balance within the set Marines tend to win too much in that matchup. I didn't know the deffkoptaz are only from that set. I'm not an ork player, just a nid player who wanted templates and a rulebook for cheap.
@Koztah: You get one 600 pt army and one 400 point army. Guess which side gets 200 more points. . . .
@NonElitist: The first movie taken on it's own is a stable time loop. The third movie pushes back Judgement day because it's pretty much shit. There were Teminator bits unaccounted for at the end of the second which could still lead to Judgement Day. The observant should spot them. The third movie was the one that…
@TVs_Frank: "This is the part that's less fun. . ."
@diagorus: You really ought to read the WoD version of Mage. It's pretty crazy, and not at all the sword and sorcery type. There's a lot about how imposing your will against reality is full of terrible consequences if there's cognitive dissonance for onlookers. The art of magic in WoD is subtlety. If you can…
@kalaeth: I think he's talking about fan fiction.
@ziplizard: I dunno. I figured that there were multiple observers to keep track of events in all universes. I thought part of the problem was that he was outside his jurisdiction, and that they moved him to our world as part of his punishment. Maybe I read too far into it.
@Meeps: You could use Super Sonic to glitch through the barrels. This was the only known way for my neighborhood. I always had to have all the emeralds before getting to this point or I would restart.
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: If there's one thing I've learned from Science Fiction it's that Muscle memory and skills are easier to transfer than memories that function in the contius mind. Olivia could still be playing along, she just has fauxlivia's gunfu.
@ziplizard: You know, I realized that right after I posted. I guess what I was really trying to find out was if it was our Observer or if there's another guy for blimpland.
@agentgray: Probably following the Ultimate Spider-Man timeline where Peter pretty much alternates between the two.