Only if you hate yourself
Only if you hate yourself
Anyone who would even be interested in that game already has it from early access. I personally wouldn’t give that game to my worst enemy
Reviews in general are dead, your opinion doesn’t really matter.
You’re free continue lmfao...there is your free proof read
Right because you’re completely ignoring the fact that Hillary got trump elected both by being terrible and cheating Bernie in the primaries of a fair contest. Stay smart bro
Yes clearly the declaration of war on Poland is the next’re retarded
Most of the old content is still present in wow and you can enjoy the game regardless
I just came here to say who the fuck still uses the word janky to describe anything. Time to get the f out of your cave honey
Just what Kotaku needed more sjw bias. awesome
I find your position ironic since most Hillary supporters condemn anyone supporting trump as a bad human being and wrong.
Doesn’t work as if you play it while online everyone gets a notification that you are playing it unless you start another game first and tab out.
He said international it’s possible hes not a native English speaker. I mean if hes say Chinese it’s easy to understand mixing up counsel and council
My go to is “you only won because my teammates are a bunch of floor trash eating retards gg”
The only true recreation of no man’s sky is to find someone to con you out $60 then they punch you in the nuts before running off with your money never to be heard from again
You obviously aren’t playing if you post ignorant shit like that.
You do realize that’s a joke mode costume and the real Drake weighs like 165
Typical shitaku giving this bullshit person a soap box to stand on and then not understanding why it’s annoying.
The only correct answers are Chrono trigger or xenogears
If you’re talking about 400k sales when the installed base is only 3 mil that’s a decent conversion rate
The worst part is that anime is absolutely terrible