
-Trump voters

An American trying to change other people’s culture of which they don’t understand? somethings never change..

Remember that great Donovan article on this site that said something along the lines of him being the soccer star that we deserved, well Klinsmann is the coach that we deserve. He’s shit for tactics, terrible man manager, and has a whole lot of dumb luck. The USMNT always remind me of a cheesy 80's/90's flick when we


and Tom Ley was nowhere to be found...

game 6 is in Cleveland

Rose Bowl 2006, USC had an all time great team

Sociology could give better answers in many of these problems..

That is a fair point but to over-acknowledge factors like race and sex in every case possible can also be dangerous because it takes away from the discourse outside of such factors.

Because if it is obvious then it goes without saying?

Nah, we’re good. A vote for Bernie has pretty much become an act of civil disobedience against the establishment, a “fuck you take it up your ass” if you will. We know he won’t win the nomination but any more stress Bernie can stack on her the better; they should know we are not voting for her despite any threats

Can’t wait to read 91 more of these type of comments.

And you continue being a whiny Lebron cocksucker

She doesn’t have the balls to do this..

That’s like saying Chelsea played better than anyone else last year and that’s why they won the league.

“I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say.”

Jesus christ listen to yourself. People are going to die if we don’t vote for Clinton? Fuck that noise. Fuck her. and Fucky you.


Yeah the same SCOTUS that voted in favor of Citizens United?

There is no such thing as “peaceful” progress, it must be demanded.