
Erm I know this is a jokey post and I’m sort of loathe to respond in earnest but over reliance on the potato crop was because the British exported and sold all of our other produce leaving us with nothing but the potato so not really asking for a famine no but ok thanks bye.

And then there’s my favorite counter argument, ‘but this trained job makes a living wage, why do you think mere burger flippers should make the same amount as the person in the trained job?’ Well, I think someone in a trained job should probably make more than just a living wage.

Fact. I’ve started using the expression, “your tax dollars will pay for it, one way or another.” People who complain about welfare recipients, I tell them you can pay to feed and house your fellow citizens, or you will pay to clean up their bodies in the streets; and the PTSD therapy for the first responders.

This is yet another place where the inability to make larger purchases at once extra screws over those close (or under) the poverty line. All diapers are expensive. But the cost per diaper varies widely based on the size pack you’re able to buy.

Reaching out to diaper companies to ask why diapers are so expensive? As always, the right question is why are businesses allowed to employ individuals at a less than living wage? Every time I hear Republicans bitching about how unfair it is that they have to support the poor, I want to scream that they actively

I thought conservatives loathed* higher education because of the liberal bias?

I had to look up how the hell they’re doing this “therapy”. Per Forbes:

How, though? Between giving up on a public option before they’d even started healthcare negotiations, and putting Loretta Lynch in the Attorney General’s chair, Obama made conscious decisions to keep the financial sector happy at the expense of the people. How that’s “much better” than Biden’s record with credit card

While the perfect is the enemy of the good, the mediocre will kill it just as well. Biden is an awful candidate. The 1% already have Trump. Maybe pick a candidate that thinks beyond the upper 10%.

Since when has graduating college with high grades helped anyone get a job, really?

“I can’t imagine what’s going through your head right now,” Chris Harrison says to Lauren when she comes out.

Exactly. But speaking of Hailee Steinfeld, she was wonderful in Edge of Seventeen (super underrated) if you haven’t seen it!

I totally get the desire to have a more simple device, and it’s absolutely legit. But I DO think it’s completely fair to snark on people spending $400 for the privilege of having a non-smart phone that looks all fancy and new and cool when they could just go to Walmart or Costco or Total Wireless or whatever and pick

I would give my left nut to have that original Nokia brick back. Those fuckers were good phones.

I also think the parents of the Sandy Hook children were kind of ignored; it was treated like “well, off course they’d feel that way. But they’re not really rational right now.” And I also think they were devastated in a way that made it very hard for many of them to do anything (understandably). Whereas with the MSD

And they’ve learns from those who’ve gone before them. NPR had a story last week about how some of the parents from Newtown were supporting and helping the Parkland students.

I think one of the big differences between the Newtown shooting and the Parkland shooting is that the victims in Parkland are mature enough that they know that school safety is the responsibility of adults.

AND he’s wearing a belt. If you haven’t seen the “Last Week Tonight” episode about Alex Jones, you must watch it post haste.

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

Goddamn it Obama, I love you man, but this one’s on you.