
Finally! These disabled children have enjoyed the free ride for too long! Enjoy your inadequate schools, underpaid teachers, lack of aides, inadequate funding, lack of attention, lack of appropriate educational material, inadequate safety measures, inadequate vocational training and assistance, lack of...

Breaking News: Tarantino is a Piece of Shit. Nation is Unsurprised.

Ronald Berkman, president of the university, refused to condemn the posters.

Hey give him a break, this will be the first time he’s ever paid anyone he owes money to.

“It’s disgusting that the media is taking something that should be recognized as a generous and sincere gesture, made privately by the President, and using it to advance the media’s biased agenda.”

Psssst: Well, you know they’re not “real” American citizens, right? After all, many of them are brown, some of them are even black! AND they speak Spanish. So.

I keep expecting him to suddenly decide the situation is worth fixing when the inhabitants use their rights as Americans to move to the mainland en masse.


“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

It never applies to any states enacting liberal policy

Whatever happened to their beloved States’ Rights? (It never applies to California. Just Dixie.)

A day after Gov. Jerry Brown called California a sanctuary state for undocumented immigrants, ICE countered with a threat. “ICE will have no choice but to conduct at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at worksites, which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests,” Acting Director Tom Homan wrote

Don’t worry guys. The pro-lifers and republicans are going to come to the aid of all of these unwanted children! They’ll feed, clothe, house, and educate them. They’ll provide all the nurturing and support they require. It’ll be tremendously fine.

Hey Pro-Lifers, remember this will lead to MORE abortions.

The administration lists among its reasons for rolling back the Obama-era requirement that it could promote “risky sexual behavior” among teens and young adults.

In many states you’re forced to view bloody photos of antichoice propaganda before you can get an abortion; force gun license applicants to view the Sandy Hook autopsy photos before their 72-hour waiting period.

Once a coworker told me that even after Sandy Hook he’s never giving up his guns, I realized any attempt at a discussion about it was completely over.

I really fail to see why gun ownership is the hill that the Republicans chose to die on (pun intended). They can blather all they want about 2nd amendment herp-derp, but they can’t say that mass shootings are a tragedy, make sad faces, then ignore the issue until the next mass shooting. How did we get to this point?