
Oh, whatever. I’m tired of people saying that ideals should be compromised. Having ideals isn’t what sunk HRC. It’s not. It was racism and sexism. It was white people voting against their own self-interest. It was Democrats doing what they do best: the most cowardly thing. In any case, how much of the young wanting

Yeah, this is not complicated stuff. Articulate your values — values substantively different from those of the Republican party, which to be fair would require Dems to have substantively different values (hmm maybe that’s the rub here?) — and stand up for them.

Embrace single payer, work for fairness in taxation, demand defense cuts, banking regulation, monopoly protections, campaign finance reform, union rights, voting rights, equality and protection for all citizens, immigration reform, demilitarization of the police, demilitarization of foreign policy, and for fuck’s sake

They agree on plenty of shit though. Like tax cuts for corporations, keeping monopolies on telecomms in tact, defunding public education in favor of charters and making sure they all get a raise.

Here’s the thing about the Mooch: he’s not just coked-up, he’s irony-deficient.

It is so, so hard to have a family member that does this.... thing. Its hard to name it. You don’t think its sexual and making a big deal out of it makes other people realize that its a big deal TO YOU. You wanna just laugh it all off and be cool and you’re stuck in this no man’s land between trying to be a strong

Reminder that the Department of Defense found that allowing trans people to serve openly would “cost little and have no significant impact on unit readiness.”

John McCain leaving his deathbed to vote on a bill that would conceivably put millions of citizens on deathbeds of their own, is particularly galling Especially this is all to enable the agenda of Trump; a guy who dodged the draft, yet was fine to mock McCain’s service.

In a fair an logical world this whole mess would easily result in the Democrats sweeping the elections next year.

Bibi doesn’t speak for all Israelis but of course he speaks for Israel as of course Donald Trump speaks for the United States but not all Americans.

Before I even read any of the comments.

Great. Thanks to Donnie, every celebrity fuckface thinks they can be elected. Completely unqualified people who are considering a run for office:

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

...they play an unmistakable and growing role in student life, in many cases enacting forms of privilege and exclusion at odds with our deepest values.

Happy Endings had my favorite black man/white woman relationship ever.

Obviously when it comes to the confluences of money, power, and media, political leanings really don’t matter much.

It’s possible he is suffering from dementia, but it’s more likely that his brain is simply deteriorating with age, a wearing away of the politesse that society generally demands of younger people to reveal what’s really at his core:

GWBush still holds the title, because two wars based on fabricated evidence, not only without a war tax - but a tax cut - topped by the complete collapse of the economy is a record for worst.

I don’t blame other countries for laughing at us. I would be laughing too if I didn’t live here.

Adding except for the ones that need health care, mental health services, housing and food stamps earned me a big old bunch of whine babies and a few blocks.