I really do suspect that at least half of what’s behind this is that Trump can’t stand the idea of working with a man who’s a head taller than he is.
I really do suspect that at least half of what’s behind this is that Trump can’t stand the idea of working with a man who’s a head taller than he is.
Hard-hitting journalism is that which is needed. Incisive questions; not backing down; and disallowing pap and platitudes. Eye-rolls do nothing but discredit your position.
They don’t actually have principles, they just want their (white) guys to win and they’ll hit the other side with whatever blunt rhetorical object is handy.
SB 562 is working its way through the California legislature. Some text...
I don’t think they come second, that’s my whole point. I think that economics are at the roots of many of these issues, and if you address them as linked you stand a better chance of solving them, rather than sitting around and praying that nobody overturns Roe v. Wade in the courts.
Avow - to assert or confess openly.
Jon Stewart is an avowed socialist. Which I take to mean someone who can blend liberal cultural ideology with real ideas for economic change, which is where I, as a Marxist, believe that real change (be it racism, misogyny) can really be dealt with at the roots. I don’t see the latter from people like Sam Bee,…
In the words of Phil Ochs: “Ten degrees to the left of center in good times. Ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.”
There is a virulent strain of liberal white racism that pops up every time rich white liberals start making decisions about their rosy-cheeked little golden Aidans, Jaidens, and Pipers. It’s disgraceful.
The actual WHCD was fine, and I liked Hasan’s roast. I am 100% in support of a free press, but there is something about listening to those corny mutherfuckers wax poetic about how important they are that makes me eye-roll myself into a near-comatose state.
I am constantly infuriated by the wistful, “Oh, I would take Dubya back; he wasn’t so bad, etc.” Wasn’t so bad? He presided over a completely evil administration which is responsible for spreading terrorism much more effectively than 9/11. He is a war criminal.
That he did not get uproarious laughing responses is due to him being quite accurate in his assessments. Truth hurts. He was excellent.
The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.
Milo confuses wanting to be heard with having something to say.
Let’s see Obama plow that $400k right back into liberal causes. A straighter redistribution of wealth there is none. “I’m donating a whole bunch of Cantor Fitzgerald’s money to Indivisible/the ACLU/the preservation of Sarbanes–Oxley.” The visuals of yet another Democrat sucking up to Wall Street bodes poorly for 2018…
The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody.
Well the first instance of concentration camps being used in fairly modern history was in the US when Native Americans were rounded up and put into concentration camps (reservations) as a method of extermination and control. Concentration camps were also used during the civil war and were used by the British during…
I disagree that his use of the term was misguided. If we’re working from this definition of concentration camp:
You don’t have to miss Bush just because you despise Trump. You can hate ‘em both at the same time, really. Bush was a terrible fucking president. I hate this whole, “Bush is cute and cuddly now” thing because he’s older and appears to be getting even softer in the brain, and now we have a president who may be worse.