I liked this finale. I liked Caleb’s friends come to help. In the end those outliers deemed useless by the system were coming together and helping each other to change the world instead of being forced to do as told.
I liked this finale. I liked Caleb’s friends come to help. In the end those outliers deemed useless by the system were coming together and helping each other to change the world instead of being forced to do as told.
This was one of the best films of the 2010s.
Absolutely LOVE this film.
I remember being so unsettled by this movie, but also watched it in total awe and almost trancelike. I really think this was one of the best movies of the decade.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in years. I think I watched it within a few weeks of Cloud Atlas, making that the month I fell off the "nobody wants my movie recommendations" cliff.
...opting for fudgy brownies over the cakey kind.
Anchovies, at least how they come tinned, are much saltier than the tinned Sardines. Love them both and they are similar but different tastes.
IDK if sardines taste like anchovies, but I find that anchovies taste like everyone says stereotypical fish smells -- “fishy.” Just fishy to the point of revulsion.
Pleasedon’tfuckitup Pleasedon’tfuckitup Pleasedon’tfuckitup
Dune is my favorite book. I literally reread it annually. I also read the other 5 books probably once every three years or so (I just finished God-Emperor again), so I have big opinions on Dune. Most obviously, loathing the travesty that David Lynch made of it. Every cut of that movie is bad.
Could be a Gene scene, but I have another crazy thought. There are actually TWO flash forward sequences in BCS - one is the b/w sequence with Gene. The other is the Breaking Bad era sequence (roughly right after or during Ozymandias) in “Quite a Ride”. Jimmy very conspicuously goes on about Francesca being…
That was my nickname back in college.
I’m gonna be real with you, I was all here until you put “beef sheets” in the article. Now I can’t stop giggling.
Out here in the country we just crack the eggs, don’t cook ‘em up, and instead of cheese, use Natural Lite beer. Thank the lord someone from New York City invented the egg sandwich as it’s too complicated a puzzler for anybody outside the big city.
Posting this here because 1) it’s the truth about what Trump has said and done, 2) compared to Fauci’s interview it highlights the stark difference b/w the two of them, and 3) because Trump’s lawyers are sending out cease-and-desist orders trying to take it down:
I didn’t know his name at the time, so no.
It’s a joke, man. Try not to take this stuff so seriously.
So there’s no way ‘Max’ can be anyone except Maximo Arciniega, Gus’ former partner in Los Pollos Hermanos and possible lover that Hector Salamanca killed, right? I had a hunch while watching the show, but I just looked up his name, and, well, yeah. It also made sense for Gus to start discussing revenge with Mike while…