
It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s contracturally obligated to Warner Brothers for either a set period of time, or a set number of movies, but the contract doesn’t stipulate that he has to be playing Superman.

Given the nature of Superhero movies nowadays, it’s easy for some of the “stain” to be removed by simply having

A 120 page script is like 30 pages of prose.

If she isn’t getting paid then her entire “career” inside of the music industry is done. She’s already pissed off Megan, so that door is closed, and if she didn’t get paid by Tory, he’s already thrown her under the bus by saying she was the shooter. With this conflicting testimony, nobody else in the industry will

You’re absolutely right on this account.

However, it’s a historical fact that there was a concerted effort by automakers and tire companies in the early 20th century to make public transit as difficult as possible to implement outside of cities that already had it. This is why in pos-1950 urban areas, so many cities

You brought up a point I made in another story concerning this potential acquisition that I think gets forgotten or overlooked, and it’s the entire 1st-party studio model.

Legally, if the FTC and/or DoJ strike this deal down, then it should call into question the entire paradigm of console makers owning publishers,

Rhea Seehorn must’ve pissed in someone’s Corn Flakes because the fact she hasn’t won a Golden Globe or Emmy (hell, she only has 1 Emmy nom, and no Golden Globe nominations) is an absolute travesty.

I don’t really see console makers switching to Intel/Nvidia. They go with AMD because AMD is a lot cheaper. Intel/Nvidia hardware is only getting more expensive over time (lulz at the 4000 series pricing).

Whilst I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, throwing billions at a problem is not the recipe for success you seem to think it is. Facebook/Meta have thrown 10s of billions at the problem of the metaverse, and got absolutely nowhere with it, for example.

Patty Jenkins ran into the Colin Trevorrow problem of thinking that you had it made after a single billion-dollar movie.

Recall that after Jurassic World came out and made more money than the Catholic Church, Colin got tapped by Disney to direct the sequel to The Last Jedi. He’s on top of the world, and because of

Unlike Sony, MS is an American tech company that currently has the smallest share of the console market, so it’s pretty puzzling why FTC would go after them here instead of Sony.

The antitrust issue with Sony is that they’re a Japanese company, even though they have a large North American division. There’s only so much influence that the US DoJ can exercise on a company that isn’t an American one or headquartered/incorporated in America (notice the issues involving FTX, which is headquarted in

This criticism also ignores the business reality: Microsoft doesn’t need 1st party titles in order to make money in gaming.

Gaming, as a percentage of Microsoft’s overall business, is a very small percentage. For Sony? It’s nearly 1/4 of their entire company. This means that Microsoft, if they really wanted, could

People forget that for the Disney/Fox merger to happen, Fox had to spin-off the Fox News networks as Disney owns ABC. In fact, it wasn’t really a merger in any sense, rather Rupert Murdoch deciding to sell 20th Century Fox and their movie library to Disney while retaining Fox News and their stable of global news

One of the things I’ve read is that many of the studios and the performers dislike having to wear muscle-pads as part of their costumes because of the restrictive nature and how it photographs, so they’d rather be legitimately big (or big(ger), because most of these actors aside from the Rock aren’t actually that big

These dudes are on steroids. And here’s how you know.

Listen to any of their interviews, and they inadvertently tell on themselves by talking about just how much they train. 6 days, 7 days a week. 4+ hours a day. Anybody who knows human physiology and weight training knows that working out that much, particularly with

Fascinating stuff, but I have a question that hopefully you can answer.

I was reading about defamation, libel, and slander in various countries in the aftermath of the Depp-Heard case, and while I’m familiar with the nuances between the US and the UK, when I got to Japan, I read something fascinating.

Apparently, unlike

I’m sure your outfit is lovely.


Also, have you considered that maybe it’s you who doesn’t get what the appropriate dress attire is for a game awards show?

1. For the placebo effect to be in play, there must be, wait for it, a placebo to be provided. Where is the placebo when it comes to an outfit, unless somebody is specifically told, prior to wearing the outfit, of the intended effect? To continue, even if the effect is a placebo, there’s still an effect happening

And that’s fine. I’m confused as to why people are assuming I, or other people, are saying that everyone needs to be in a coat-and-tails and evening dresses. We aren’t. We’re simply saying (and correctly so) that there are ways to dress-up while maintaining a casual air, which you perfectly described.