
Looking at the maps and the polls, Biden is in a really strong position.

Unless the latest polls are more wrong than they were in 2016 (which was, in some states, an error of almost 7-8%), Biden is gonna get Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin pretty handily. Remember, Hillary lost Michigan and Wisconsin by less than 1%

Those early-aughts were my pre-teen/teen years, and as you said, 50 was huge and then G-Unit. The only other rap group that did anything of any substance during the G-Unit era was Outkast with Speakerboxx/The Love Below, and after that, Outkast did the Idlewild soundtrack, and that was it for them. G-Unit, and the

I think we’re reaching a point of where you’re getting less and less “console adopters,” for the simple fact that the Xbox Series X/S and PS5 are PCs in everything but name. And that’s certainly not a bad thing, because it means a greater number of multi-platform titles and a lessened need to have multiple consoles to

As a PC gamer, and with the prior (and reiterated) announcement that all Xbox Series X first-party titles will be coming to PC, there’s absolutely no reason for me to get an Xbox.

That being said, there’s also very little reason for me to get a PS5, since during the entire lifespan of the PS4 (I previously had a PS3

Unfortunately, I do believe it does.

If you reduced the complexity of the penultimate and ultimate bosses in a raid to that of Classic Nefarian, Onyxia, or Ragnaros (let alone something as simple as Patchwerk), you’d find raiding would get stale incredibly quick. Further, given that we currently have LFR and

Legion was interesting because you had three very strong sources of borrowed power: Your artifact weapon, your legendaries, and tier sets. Getting all of your artifact weapon skills would completed before you got your first tier set from NH, and probably before you got two worthwhile legendaries to use, so once you

The endgame content almost has to get more complicated by necessity, due to the increase in the overall skill level of the players, as well as the individual classes each possessing more utility.

Gone are the days of Vanilla where certain classes were outright left home from certain raids due to another class simply

I’m not a parent, but I’m a gamer, and it’s interesting to read some of these responses, particular the ones who are essentially saying that if you don’t give your kid the utmost leeway, you’re either a bad parent, had bad parents, or don’t care about your kids at all.

It’s one thing if you’re talking about a 6 or 7

Nah, it’s not the same thing, and I’m both a gamer and a former athlete.

The structural things that go into setting up an organized, competitive outdoor sport are miles more complicated than getting people to sit down in their living room, bedroom, or office.

It costs an absurd amount of money to rent time at fields, or

I’m gonna sound like an old (I’m only 29), but your implication is that us gamers only have friends who exist through the technological medium of the games.

If your kid’s friends can’t understand that people have different schedules (dictated by their parents and not the needs of a videogame) and that things such as

But it doesn’t really work that way either (I’m a gamer, btw).

Let’s say the kid has 5 minutes until he/she goes to bed. They decide to start up a new round on Call of Duty (or whatever game), knowing that the match won’t end until 15 minutes has elapsed. There’s a good chance the parents don’t know this. If they give

I’m torn, because I’m neither a parent but I’ve been a gamer since I was young so I’ve dealt with the transition from mostly single-player titles to multiplayer titles where “pausing” isn’t an option.

I get the fundamental idea where you want to instill an understanding of their competitive needs, whether it be in

If he doesn’t respond, then that Alex guy calls him out for not responding. If he responds as he did, then he gets called out for being disrespectful or not mournful enough.

I wouldn’t be surprised if, in David’s mind, he decided to answer completely truthfully. He wasn’t moved by his music, but could understand why

The 612 is one of those cars that’s much better looking in person than in pictures. You’re absolutely right about the back end, and considering how large it is (people don’t realize that it’s 4 inches longer than a Continental GT and only 2 inches shorter, with the same width), a soft rear end and relatively soft

The 550/575 are gorgeous. I love the understated looks of the 360 (and the Challenge Stradale). The 430 Scuderia is lovely, but the regular 430 isn’t bad (but isn’t as good looking as the 360). I never liked the 458 or any of its derivatives. I love the 599 and especially the GTO (the side profile view shows off the

The fact of the matter is, as much as many of these white people (namely white women) love to bandy about the idea of not seeing color, they most certainly see themselves as white before they see themselves as women.

It’s rather similar to the feeling for those of us in other areas, such as videogaming.

Don’t get me wrong, jaywalking is always a risk.

However, what does stopping someone because of jaywalking have to do with having them turn around, searching them, and then asking them if they have a weapon?

Ol’boy reposted this nonsense.

As far as I’m concerned, as a black gay man, Mr. Price can turn into his inner mole while he’s looking for white women while six feet under.

Never, in my history of walking across streets, in various states of drunkenness and disrepair, have I been stopped by the police for jaywalking. And I’m a rather imposing black guy who lives in the South (Florida, to be exact). I have literally seen fights occur in the middle of the street, and unless someone is