
Pootie Tang is hilarious (I was 10 and watched that shit on damn near repeat, and Wanda Sykes is just lovely), and I think that Chris Rock, like many black people, often give more leeway to the white people who are closest to us because we feel both comfortable around them, and we also feel that we can exert more

It was a bit more nuanced than that, but Chris shouldn’t have even made the argument in the first place.

Discrimination, in Jeremy’s case, wouldn’t even apply because they’re all part of a union (the SAG). Anytime an actor is paid above scale (the minimum that the SAG contract with studios, producers, companies, dictates), the ability to claim discrimination using wages/salary is damn near eliminated entirely, as

Hollywood still has an expectation (from not too long ago) that actors won’t discuss their salary with their co-workers, thus allowing for the studio/production company to low-ball people with impunity.

Asking about money and salary is usually perceived as tacky and uncouth, unless you’re in a situation (such as working for the federal government) where your salary is dictated across the board, so there isn’t any wiggle room or discrimination where one person, due to features A, B, C, is being paid more than another

I mean, was anyone with a cursory knowledge of automaking expecting Nissan, of all companies, to release a new Z on a completely new platform?

Honestly, with the financial position that Nissan/Renault/Mitsubishi are in right now, there wasn’t any way that the new Z was going to be a brand-new platform or anything that radically different.

There’s an old political saying that goes: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, and whether or not the current President is cognitively aware enough to be utilizing that idiom on his own volition, or his advisors are the ones stoking that dim flame in his cavernous skull, it’s brilliant.

There’s very much a political angle.

There are GOP talking heads who are, at once, decrying BLM and making the claim that BLM doesn’t give a single solitary fuck about sex trafficking and child abuse because the protests aren’t explicitly about sex trafficking and child abuse. Not only that, this chorus erupted, not

Considering the black AG of Kentucky has been doing everything BUT his job in regards to Breonna’s murder (including getting married and accepting an invite to speak at the RNC on the current President’s behalf), I wouldn’t hold your breath.

It shouldn’t be lost on any of us that the GOP and Trumpers are using an oft-repeated tactic of conservatives dating back to time immemorial: whenever there is major social unrest over serious, substantive issues, bring up a bunch of bullshit and couch it as “Think about the children”.

None of these dolts gave a

You’re certainly right in regards to the games that are being developed specifically for the new consoles and aren’t simply ports. However, for the older titles, they won’t be able to take advantage of the new software architecture, so for them, it doesn’t really make much sense as to why they can’t be ran off of an

I just don’t think you understand the underlying technology.

The tech the new consoles have is an absolutely MASSIVE leap over the current consoles. As I said (and I can’t reiterate enough), the CPU and GPU combo the consoles are releasing with (both from AMD) aren’t even available to PC gamers yet (the desktop PC

For MS and Sony, they’ve hit a technological wall with the PS4 and Xbox One X. They’re old, and they came out at a time where Intel and Nvidia were dominating and charged way too much for their tech, and AMD was affordable at the mid-range but couldn’t necessarily reach the top-end in either an affordable or power

A decent 2TB NVME SSD is gonna run you $200, easy. And that’s assuming you get one that’s PCIE 3.0, which has speeds that cap out around 3500/3500. The Series X and PS5 are using PCIE 4.0 SSDs, so for a 2TB, you’re looking at close to $350-400. Even if Sony and MS got a sweetheart deal, the SSDs would still be

As a PC gamer here, you run into extreme diminishing returns once you hit even the slowest of NVME speeds (which are around 1500/1200).

With some of the new releases from Samsung or Sabrent (where the speeds are eclipsing those of both the PS5 and Series X), unless you’re constantly moving around large files on a

Unfortunately, in terms of SSDs, that simply won’t happen.

The lowest possible price for flash storage is still higher than that of HDDs, even though the prices have come down a great deal. An example.

You can find a 3tb HDD from a good company for less than $100 nowadays. At best, you can get a decent 1tb NVME SSD

It’s not that the size of the games has necessarily outpaced the diminishing of prices for SSDs, it’s the fact that for the vast majority of people, they’re still either using large HDDs for storage, or they have such small SSDs that they aren’t planning on gaming on more than a few games at a given time anyways.


Honestly, the days where a console’s livelihood can be determined by the sales of a single game are long over.

PC gaming is becoming more ubiquotious, the consoles themselves are veering every closer to being mini-PCs (hell, the PS5 and Xbox Series X are essentially AMD PCs with semi-proprietary storage solutions), and

The Japanese love driving games, but usually only those that are developed by Japanese developers.

It’s why Gran Turismo, which has been objectively shit since 4, will still sell like crazy even though Forza (both the mainline and Horizon spinoff) have been both superior in nearly every aspect, and have been released