
Agreed, I second that notion!

Right you are! Culture Vulture, don’t forget he stole big Sean flow too lol. I been calling this sambo out since then, niggas accused me of hating, I’m like no the nigga just phony as shit now I’m just laughing cause we all replaying all those questionable moments this nigga had in our collective conception of his


Thought I was the only one. Co-sign

Lmfao at the culture vulture being exposed for his minstrel tendencies I mean the audacity of this actor, what role is he playing here?  I’ve been calling dude out for years, now I see this! Wow what a clown like he had to know this pic would be an issue that needs clarity and context if so be, I honestly believe if



5 stars lol


The best part of drakes diss was the sigh but come on pusha was baiting the guy his respons was warranted let’s be honest drake is ll cool j that nigga make cool songs ain’t shit deep bout that boy but on another note I’m Jamaican full blooded I’ve been peeping this half fake Jew ass nigga appropriate a lot of our

I didn’t even 👀 that lol

So true it ain’t funny they use it to demean each other even politically ex cuckservative it’s so weird and those strange names they tag on genitalia cock and cunt wtf

Seriously that shit not even phonetically black lol reads like a total white boy whi doesn’t get his Willy wet much incels I believe their called

This bitch is the worst I’m actually from ct Bridgeport is right next to Fairfield to put it in context Fairfield county is historically one of the wealthiest in the country while Bridgeport was once the Murder capital but that’s another story. I remember when this first came out they were saying she tried to ruin

Interesting both terrible which is worse tho? The bitch ass that was a bitch ass before he became a bitch ass or the bitch ass that wasn’t a bitch ass but got his punk ass turned into a bitch ass you might be on to something here. I can’t comprehend behaving like that with any child but come on black cop wtf thats a

Lmfao nah that was for somebody who sent me a link with the hotep breakdown I accidentally replied to you my fault, I almost lost rationality and was going to reply in a vociferous manner thought you was bugging, and being disrespectful on some funny shit with the last sentence until I realized the mixup was caused by


Gracias all praises due to the goddess

Thought I was the only one lmfao

Jesus is a made up European name just like Jews there isn’t even a J in the Hebrew alphabet shit is trick to keep people enslaved (pie in sky) and keep it official folks we all knew Kanye was a overly sensitive little bitch years ago and after he did what he was rapping bout in goldigger he was officially cooning in