
The music was half of what made that game so immersive. Especially the song that starts after you land at the bottom of the lab foundations. Although I did love so much how each level bared the signs of each decade it was supposed to have been built in.

So wait we're paying a person 80,000+ dollars to make a mod for a game?


Kinja's fault.

Sorry I'm not sorry for forming my own opinion that just happens to also be someone else's.

So, 'tread lightly', 'I am the danger' or 'Say my name'*. Which wins it?

Er... just so you know... digital downloads have identical files to what you'd have on the disc. So it'd require the same amount of effort to actually make them work on new consoles.

I'm not spending £430 on a console just to play old games on it. Whats the point in that?

I could live with no backwards compatibility on disc games, but I wish the XBLA games would still work. This would give the new console a full library of games ready to purchase at launch. Many games on XBLA are ports and remakes of old games, I don't see how that is going to change on the next machine, so as long as

No chance. What's the point of advancing the technology and splitting the userbase? Completely removes the possibility of a dev taking advantage of the technology. PSEye will die because of this.

Fake! This ain't China. I can clearly see a kilometer away. Nice try, internet!


Right. This digital golfer should grow up and do cocaine like an adult.

I agree Gamestop should advise of the online pass requirement to fully enjoy the multiplayer on used games and also base the pricing on that.

EA doesn't sell their own games used. So why would it be EA's responsibility to inform customers on the front of packages. After all, they are all bought new at one point so a label would seem kind of stupid for a new purchase.

"Man. If Call of Duty doesn't get in on this pointing action, I reckon that franchise is done for." people may not realize it (and i just started too) COD is dying GHOST preorders are actually lower then previous COD's maybe cause people have seen titanfall and saw how crappy COD finally is. (grant it titanfall don't

Don't mean to harp on this, but you have GOT to trim these bad boys. Are you sure it was botched Lasik, or were you scratching an itch and things went awr"eye" ;)

Sorry about the botched Lasik Rich, but good god man, trim those nails!

This is what freedom looks like.

I don't really care about the whole Skyler debate one way or the other. I just think it's funny how that image skips over the whole "husband makes meth and kills people" thing.