
Right. I’m not a Star Wars fan but I played the first Battlefront beta and it was fun but no single player was a killer for me. As for Overwatch I played the beta and was not impressed but mainly because of the art direction. Its just doesn’t appeal to me and no single player doesn’t help. I’m a fan of Rainbow six and

The real question is Why would anyone buy john deere bulldozer?

Some poor guys girlfriend probably put it in the trash.

It was and I would like more. I had a blast playing it with friends. Flamethrowers, Tuk Tuks, Creedance Clearwater, destructible bridges.

Fallacious. Nice

As a 30 year old console gamer who plays lots of shooter I’ve had no clue and never remember hearing it. It most be a regional thing.

Well im getting old I just turned 30 so forgive for not being up on the lingo...

I want Vietnam.

Would there be repercussions if they just left cross play enabled? Is there some legal reasons from preventing it?

I would love to play some Battlefield 1 against some xbox gamers. It seems kinda immature of me but being part of the last gen fanboy world the kid or teenager in me wants to go against them and own them.

HAHA. I don’t know what to say. I was most likely high. It’s not my best work.

Hopefully this is Uncharted territory that Nathan Drake stays away from.

Yep. She wasn’t a judge in that last fight pacquiao was she cause that was another fight that seemed almost rigged by judges.

You white supremacist....

Talking heads spew hot garbage and hot takes every day it’s what they do. I hate Trump and don’t care what he is. I don’t think he hates a certain race. I just think Trump feels he is better than everyone else because he is more successful than most and in his mind he is more successful and better than anyone

Console Exclusivity. But your right it is all idiocy. It all about that money and I like money so I don’t hate I just wait till it comes to Ps4.

Pretty sure it mentioned Canadians.

Aluminum bats can break and shatter also.

Could someone shop the hotdog in to duke nukem where he gropes the strippers.

I dont like floyd but he pulled a legendary move when he hit strippers at a Vegas strip club with a 1099. They got to pay their way also. He’ll make well over 100 million in his fight with McGregor. I think he is just a punk ass women beater but still one of the greatest fighters of all time.