
Great glad to hear Trump errr Fox errr I mean Steam stepping their game game up. Literally.

Dont drive in dead sand.

Is it wrong that I immediately thought this article was going to be about searching for tons of lost cocaine.

Looks like dinty more beef stew with chocolate. Just saying bro..

I mean they use frostbite right? Battlefield 4 had better facial animations. Its like they hired an actor for one day and used those animations for the whole game spent the rest of the budget on blow and prostitutes. JUST an example not saying they did. I mean thats not what I would’ve done..... Not sure why that

Gabe will go down as the biggest troll of all time. He’s been trolling over a decade on HL. HE should run errr walk for president.

HL 1 is the Triple OG

I don’t believe you. I need proof.....

I guess I will do some actual work at Work.

Yep and I run million dollar pieces of equipment and we can’t seem to keep them running more than a week without something messing up. This thing has been going on about 5 years now.

Probably got people who are copyright holders and own or have stakes in the (isp). I would almost garentee there are people working both sides of this system.

Mase and Puffy called they want their shiny suit back.

Am I the only one who remembers playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 with that awful gun lag sound? That game came out in 2008 and they never fix it. As long as you had people with good connection you were good and those notorious Lag Switchers they never did anything about. Those switchers would piss me off. Lol. I still had

Sounds like their turning into Activision.

As far as the Mods I think it’s just Bethesda not being able to follow the guidelines of Sony. Why would Bethesda spend time and money on mod support if Sony doesn’t allow them? Their is a lot more to this story and sadly most people here are just jumping in Sonys ass which is what Bethesda wants without knowing the

I think Bethesda is trying to pass off a lot blame. Saying Sony doesn’t allow it is not an explanation. Something smells fishy around here.

I get the feeling their is a lot more to this story.Bethesda has been saying for months they are working on mod support for PS4 then boom they say Sony won’t allow it? Why work on something that’s not supported? SURELY they knew before creating it for PS4 they knew it wasn’t allowed? I think Sony had guidelines for


WTF Sony? At least they could have the courtesy to explain why they won’t allow it. I’m sure it has some worries about mods compromising their precious firmware.

I’d rather have this.