
Ha ha that scene is so funny. Who cut these holes? I can’t see shit.

This made my day. Nothing I enjoy more than when zero fucks are given.

So a lame ass character straight out of hipster for dummies book is their idea of appealing to westerners. They should watch some Clint Eastwood movies if they want to make a bad ass that appeals to westerners.

So is it coming to ps4?

Battlefield is made by Dice a Swiss company. I don’t see swiss chocolates shooting from tanks. It doesn’t matter where you are from. Talent Comes in many form’s including French.

I bet they have someone making a New Vegas type of deal with the elder scrolls. Like they did with the Fallout games.

Why even make it in Japan if all they do is blurr their porn. Go through all this work to just blurr it out.

You are right I completely lost track that they were in both cities. Regardless it was a crap presentation for EA. The games looked good but the presentation was ......

I’m not a Soccer or European football fan at all but the addition of a story mode intrigues me. I watched the E3 for EA and liked the look of Fifa and I can’t believe it’s been around since 1993 and I’ve never played any of them. I used to play a ton of madden and Knockout Kings. I think knockout kings would have

I agree. You got all these hard working studios like Dice and Bioware who put a lot of hard work and passion into their games. Then you got some clueless idiots who put together this E3 presentation or whatever the duck that was. I don’t expect every publisher to have a mind blowing E3 every year but you can at least

The content was fine but the presentation and delivery was pure garbage. There was no excitement at that event. That’s what they get for having it in London I guess. If E3 is in Los Angeles then why have a presentation in London? If they would have had it at the actual E3 event then there would have been actual gamers

So true. That’s what the hype is all about.

The hype is the hype......

I can respect what your saying but it just seems like people copying each other without giving credit would be a common thing on the a Pc. So now it’s on X box it’s an issue and I imagine when it releases I will see Ps4 gamers copying also. I know when I write a song I wouldn’t want anyone ripping it off.

Does it matter who’s names on it? I don’t see Bethesda calling a waanbulance because people are making mod with THEIR game and not showing the credits for Fallout 4.

69 is also. I’ll show myself the door


I figured something was up from watching videos of the bow and arrow. It doesn’t really matter but it would kill a game like Battlefield to do this. People would be crying like babies. I find satisfaction in Battlefield when I drop someone with my .44 magnum or bow.

The game is beautiful from the graphics to the physics. The mo cap is great it. You can feel and see the emotions conveyed through body language and facial moments including the eyes. How anyone could play the game and not appreciate the work Naughty Dog has put in is crazy. You don’t have to like something to

2017. It’s the 20 year anniversary for half life.