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Protip for running the most popular car show in the world: Take more off-the-cuff show running advice from random internet commenters!
Define track ready... Is it “if you track it and something breaks due to a defect, we fix it under warranty.”
I wonder who shows up first:
Now that’s quite a pole position.
3/5 Mustangs
We had to send a QC guy there for six months, with a stellar salary to keep his wife quiet. And one weekend per month back at home, in business class.
Fuck you Honda.
Fumotos are awesome!! Until you hit something and it gets yanked out from your oil pan.
One reason why I love my Crosstreks engine bay. Minus one cover for the alternator it’s all engine baby. Oh and the oil filter is on top of the motor. Damn geniuses.
It is a shame this happened to him and his car. One thing to take away from this is thank goodness he was one of the good guys who took his racing to a track. Can you imagine what could have happened if this had happened in a street race? Be like Greg here, take it to the track. If something goes wrong then that might…
Reading these articles just makes me wish even more that Washington State would have Finnish-style traffic fines as a % of your income rather than this flat-rate libertarian fantasy structure.
Tossing this in the ring. Cool: mostly, but who else has a dad could do a massive burn out and then take his bike to the park.
If only we could find a car we knew his son would think is cool, that’s also fast and has a reliable toyota engine. How will we ever dream up such a car.
Soundgarden was always rad and just a bit different than anything else that came out of Seattle in the ‘90's. I remember buying one of their T’s back in the day; it caused a rift in my folks house because it had a cartoon drawing of a smoking gun on the back
I’m sure there’s a bunch of Chinese car companies that would love environmental and safety regulations to be relaxed, so they can invade the market with cheap and dirty deathtraps.
They were simply the engines Ford thought best would compete well at Le Mans. This car is a truer homage to the original than the previous generation in that respect. Designed for the track first, showroom second. Not the other way around.
It also shares its engine block with the Ford F-150 EcoBoost. This fact alone will cause many people—exotic car purists—to dismiss the GT as not being a real member of the exotic car world.