
Ferrari/Lamborghini called. They want their bike back.

Surely you’re at least a Colonel by now?

My Mini Cooper S used to get me mugged all the time.

Coming soon, from Tom:

Rick Perry will solve this, just as soon as he looks up “plutonium” on Wikipedia.


An SR20 weighs under 350lbs with the turbo and plumbing accounted for. An LS1 weighs roughly 450lbs fully dressed.

I’m actually surprised that this isn’t an Raph Orlove post, considering it’s a VW, an unusally strong attachment to the VW was involved, & the fact that it broke down after leaving the seller’s location. Although, to be fair, the “breaking down after leaving” also could apply to David Tracy...

I’ll admit it, I cried when my dad sold his red Saab. I loved riding in that thing. It was the car that brought me home from the hospital and the one that took him to and from work each day.

“I have a plan. Okay? It’s a great plan. It’s a magnificent plan, such a magnificent plan. And... I can’t tell you what it is yet, but it’s the best plan ever. And... it was so easy for me to come up with - so easy - because... I probably know everything there is to know. Because I’m smart. I know more about

“The car, according to Blue Ribbon News, was donated to the Genesis Center by a local resident battling cancer:

Elon Musk finds this story amusing.

Things don’t look good for FCA in particular. The company recently killed off two mid-sized sedans—the Chrysler 200 and the Dodge Dart—and seem to be focusing on selling large trucks and SUVs.

The big difference is they do not shill in their content. There are ad banners all over this site. You can click on them, or not. But there is no advertising Bull Shit in the articles. And when Jalops review cars, they disclose all the freebies the maufacturers foisted on them.

I just thought up some more:

32. Stopping for a yellow light
33. Not taking the opportunity to merge in front of me even though I’m creating a gap for you by applying my brakes and gently flicking my high beams. Fucking let’s go, can’t you fucking see that I’m being nice????
34. Waiting too long to turn right and/or not

People who black out their headlights don’t give a flying shit about anyone but themselves. I’ll bet big money every single one of them has narcissistic tendencies.

Like this; ever last one of them that do this are grade A fucking assholes.

Hey Kristen, ok so, typically I have to be pretty judgmental about the people on the road, since I’m likely only going to see them once in my entire lifetime. In other words, I don’t have time to watch for a pattern of behavior- I must immediately make a decision regarding their driving ability based on what they’re

Going slow in the passing lane ? Shitty driver.

The greater the number of political, religious, and or cause stickers on the back of the car, the worse the driver.

Does not matter which side of the aisle their views reside on.