
Let’s pretend the new crop of F1 drivers are 20, because the math will be easier. 17 years ago when they started in karts, it was unheard of for a little girl to be out there. It’s still rare now! It’s going to take 10 or 15 years at least before there are enough girls actually making it through the ranks to get

The judge should’ve required this lawsuit be settled by a 1/4 mile drag race.

Wow, man. Your inability to understand how infrastructure, taxes, budgets, inflation, and all manner of ways the economy actually works is hilarious and depressing.

When Porsche Lamborghini, or Ferrari, uses stupid colors people love it, on a Corvette they hate. Don’t order that trim problem solved.

No matter how hateful, it’s freedom of speech. And he has the right to get paid to publish his opinions.

A Bentley has expensive maintenance, especially if done at the dealer. This is not news. You can do some of the work yourself or have a good independent mechanic with dealer-level diagnosis available and save money. This is also not news.

Bentleys have to have some modules version coded and married to the car, but


Nissan recent history: stole race car idea, got caught, developed new race car trying to defy physics like Porsche but in the opposite way, failing miserably, and then people are surprised they haven’t got enough class to terminate employees respectfully.

1 - “Don’t link specific ebay examples” - I interpreted that as don’t post real world examples.

This is a wankel rotary with 12 rotors in a V configuration.

2: Last time someone pushed for unrealistically high demands...

-“After all, America’s military might can easily topple any third world government, the military part of the operation is not the challenging one; it is the political one that follows that is most perilous.”-

Camaro Z28 vs Shelby GT350

How about one of the factory supercharged AW11s?…

Mid-engine plus linear boost wrapped in fantastic ‘80s angularity (don’t call it boxiness). Sure, it’s not a lot of power, but this one seems pretty clean and it’s currently less than half the budget.

My whole wedding including catering, Outdoor Location plus backup, Pirates, ninjas and full self stocked bar with two oktoberfests (one of them mine) on tap. Was Budgeted for $8,000 and we had almost a Grand Left Over. 75 guests.

We’ve been trying to do more of that with both cars and bikes lately. Hope it’s going well.

This is too perfect because Trump is the human version of NASCAR; everyone is watching hoping to see a wreck.

Give them a wide berth. Try to breathe deeply. Resist the urge to be vindictive. You can’t change patterned behavior from where you’re sitting. I mean, not legally at least.

The short answer: France is bound by laws protecting intellectual property. China doesnt care about intellectual property (unless its theirs). They will gladly allow a Chinese company to steal and profit from someone elses IP.