
Genghis Khan would ride a Dakar rally bike with an AK-47 strapped on to his back


It was the first major electric vehicle automaker; whether you think that wasn’t a landmark moment in the auto industry that’s your business. I personally thought the Roadster was a joke and barely a step up from kit car, but that doesn’t diminish its significance.

Know why I love cars?

Jerry Seinfeld said it well, and here I’m paraphrasing: “You’re indoors and outdoors, moving and standing still, all at the same time. That’s really something.”

But more than that, they can make you FEEL things.

Physically adult, mentally adolescent:

Have they questioned Pastor Maldonado yet?

oh holy shit that was a brutal impact. Good job Pratt & Miller for building a car that kept its driver safe

More like DERPA Robot Challenge, amirite?

Everyone knows the risks at the IOMTT. Better helmets or whatever sure but no changes to the event.

Oh, sure I agree. My argument was against this :

it will likely continue to be a mediocre seller that people morons only refer to as a girl car.

The only people who refer to it as a ‘girl car’ are blokes who secretly worry about their sexuality (and women who worry about their bloke’s sexuality).

Yes: All things Miata.

Both people who would’ve bought this new are reportedly devastated.

I’ve always thought Cadillac had the perfect historical name to use with a numeric naming system, Series 62, for the full size, Series 52 for the midsize and Series 42 for small car. The Escalade can be called the Brougham