
Because the excess costs you incur when you only purchase when needed aren’t shouldered by anybody else if they’re all doing the exact same thing.

There’s a difference between government reimbursed and government run. I don’t see the government running all health care facilities.

Nah, his reimbursement scare caused quite a few premium increases.

This car looks mid engine, is it mid engine?

The simpleton doth project too much, methinks.

Not a fanboi, just not an import hater.

Oh take it easy Voyager, you ducked out of so much crap in that previous post it’s just funny now.

That car has aged very well aesthetically and the twin turbo v6 was definitely ahead of its time (not for the right reasons though).

Bah, a bit harsh. Enjoy your AWD.

Yeah, they’re both very close on the track

I checked out the EB with the car seats, it doesn’t fit with my wife and I, it’s also why I had to get rid of the FiST. Your argument for a two door over a four door for child seats is fantastic! The big doors on the EB? Try opening that stuff in a crowded/compact garage. The shorter door will be a blessing to get the

The EB still won’t baby, nor will go through muddy terrain anywhere nearly as proficient as the WRX, if at all. I love how your compromise with the minivan is acceptable and you get it, but the WRX/STi is just incomprehensible.

Boost creep would only negatively affect the AFRs if the air flow meter is outside of its range. It shouldn’t be with exhaust. If intake is opened up and the car is running lean, it’s almost always from the scaling of the maf being erroneous. That’s what I said in my above post man, git gud at reading comprehensions.

My comment was in response to you touting your cars and their performance. Yes the EB is decently fast, but it won’t baby as well, and won’t go up in the mountains off road for hiking/camping or in snow as well as a WRX.

The only time you’ll need to retune to prevent a car from torching itself is when you start screwing with air metering equipment. I wouldn’t need to retune my ECU from bolting on a better intercooler, exhaust, etc. You should know this.

I’m 6'4, my wife is 6'. It’d suck in that car, and I doubt she’d be able to move the passenger seat back enough and I know the drivers seat sure as hell wouldn’t fit me in it. We have two chico 30 keyfit seats. They’re fine.

Fake news!!!! The dolt will find some way to walk around this if he responds at all. All the while still believing he’s right in his head.

Most newer cars benefit from a tune after a few bolt-ons. From turbo 4s to NA V8s, this is almost always the case. You should know that.

Just looking at straight line acceleration? How feeble.