
Perfect suggestion

Jack Baruth wrote a great article about this very topic. Two in fact.

When I worked outdoors in non air-conditioned space, I wore this: definitely took about twenty degrees Fahrenheit off of the perceived temperature. Carry a second set of the cool packs and keep those in a cooler with your ice and water. It’s almost

So, we’re all pissed about Mitsubishi and their EVO as a crossover now?

You’re this guy that I always pay attention to and do the exact opposite of what they do. Thank you for helping out my life.

I’ve met people in just about every SES who belong to either political party. Additionally, I feel that the recent election was won by conservatives who want redistribution of their own sort. Job migration and evolution is a debate for another time though. Furthermore, there’s evidence it isn’t just the poor who want

I feel that is such a broad and obtuse view. My wife and I end up somewhere between .1 and .5% bracket and are liberal. You can want to be wealthy and want others to do well as well.

Nice red herring. He’s a piece of shit because he represents an industry that is inherently anti capitalist while touting their love of capitalism.

How is it everybody looks at just one exec for pay reduction, but every fucking employee for distribution? Once you factory in the top hundreds or thousands depending on company size, the numbers just may look a little different. This bullshit disingenuous argument set forth shows the very contempt held by

No, it’s a different kind of trickle down economy. One where the upper tiered earners live well, but have to deal with three holes instead of five.

But they’ll bitch about the cost. “If it only cost 20k less it’d sell/I’d buy it.”

He’s actually driving from the PCH to Plano, Texas;  this drive is now known as the trail of tears.

Yeah, I’m talking about the loss of talented people, not the outright numbers. I’d have to find the article, but it detailed the work and troubles that Nissan had replacing some of their people.

They had worse conversion numbers and a real challenge replacing the upper level talent that wouldn’t move there.

Lots of Americana there.

Plano schools bullshit their metrics by throwing the private schools into their statistics. Take out the private schools and they’re only ok. If you want decent schooling, it’s either private or get into a magnet.

They’re leaving out how many full time people didn’t transition over and contractors were converted over to fill time employees to pad that 75%.

Decent weather? Sorry, that’s just a stretch man.

As others have stated, he is synonymous with McLaren and any current or future principal who tries to separate, rather than incorporate their ethos with Sir Dennis’s will undoubtedly be challenged in the public’s eye.

Lyle, you act like this arbitrary “rule” is widespread and well known, but fail to address how he can retaliate in kind with a broken shoulder. Furthermore, the assailant already broke your “rule” by initially applying the very excessive force you said is not allowed in any situation.