
It provides the potential for an accident with those corners. An unnecessary accident should always be expected coming from Maldonado.

Who cares, in a few years autonomous cars will reduce the surge pricing/supply side for the most part. It’ll still be expensive to fly during the holidays, expensive to stay in a hotel when a major event is going on, etc. The only real change will be today’s dsg drivers now insisting that their autonomous cars are

Beautifully so

This whole shit show would’ve been avoided if Epstein and company didn’t screw over Tavo Hellmund. I get the greed, but it was strategically myopic. Sometimes you’ve gotta write the big check.

Then why say what you said?

Hey, somebody hold my beer.

So, along with taking my post in general personally, you’re going to retort with a homoerotic comment framed negatively?Along with being a bit of a homophobe and upset easily at somebody willing to take on something you won’t, anything else?

How many of y’all motherfuckers are projecting your inadequacies on tavarish because he both lives and does what many of us wish we could/would?

Cotd a day early!

Yeah, a lot of states were doing that. I was back there during Turkey day and can’t believe the traffic growth in Dallas. I didn’t go to Fort Worth for my Pendery’s rubs, but oh well. It’s a weird dynamic and I’m very glad to not be there anymore. I remember when 75 went down to two lanes by 635. At least it should

Vw. Cleaner than your best China

VW: China never noticed

VW now factory filled with BP... Drivers and Divers Wanted

That article pretty much supports how I feel about that area. The paper’s journalistic integrity is great because they polish the favorable sentiments and omit the negatives. I hate it when journalists do that with cars, and the same goes for what should be a reality check of what you’re moving into. You get a lot of

I think the jury is still out for Toyota, somebody told me they were expecting to retain 90+%, but I’m having trouble believing that. There are lakes, shopping, and dining out. You have to be either inside or in the water during the 9 month long summer. I guess some people like that, but feel that many won’t agree

Enjoyable read on the holidays, many thanks!

Let’s not forget their corporate move to Nashville. I realize some may have liked it, but wonder what their attrition rate was.

Expect to see an “article” in the onion on this. The diamond Joe series is just awesome.

That’s pretty much a risk adverse personality trait.

Dude, if you need all that crap included with the post, you site as hell don’t have the patience to work on let alone learn how to work on a car like this which is very much his point. Fucking deal with it, they’re great posts that show people the relative value of cars, new versus old. I’m not selling my fist or