Phhppt! I’ll reserve praise until he can swim the English Channel.
Phhppt! I’ll reserve praise until he can swim the English Channel.
And their high school science teacher, Acan
Regardless of anything else or ones political leanings, to devalue that day was a bad move that won’t be forgiven by a LOT of people.
That interior is a strong visual representation of New Jersey.
Wow. Ok.
I never knew Bryce Harper was a Minor League ump.
The best story of bidet.
So...every Junior High School teacher who gave an 8th grader a blowjob was unavailable?
Hitting a crosswalk button/waiting for permission from some archaic wiring is just begging for someone to mug you.
Coming from the guy who coached the “Teal Years” team.
Stevie Y. has been pretty stellar so far.
Way to go, Lavar!
Well, again, I am not defending this particular dude who picked an unfortunate career for his talents.
The real question here is whether she reeks of elderberries.
Totally forgot to post my jokey part to my original comment:
So my input on this is two-fold. Also, not defending this particular cop’s stupidity.
College kids are such pussies now.
In Russia...(insert joke here).
If anyone thinks he is not getting paid under the table right This is not really a secret.
R.J’s career.=Carmello’s career.