
I too shall Pro Cee'd with caution judging this car.

"You've been racing for 18 years and completely missed my childhood.

You're not in a relationship, are you?

who gives a shit about justifying a sports car to non-enthusiasts?

He probably checked his tire pressure with an analog gauge. He's lucky that he didn't crash.

The main lesson of Initial D is that a crappy car can beat much better cars IF:
1. The driver behind the wheel is a driving god.
2. The crappy car only does downhill races.

My MR2 with a built-in Keurig so I can brew fresh coffee while I'm stuck in traffic.

"She tourniquets her arm at the elbow with an ice pick and towel, washes the blood off, puts the offending knife onto the gas fire, heats it to a nice brick red and...wait for it...cauterize her own arm."

From the headline I thought this would be about buying a bad car, not about spending way too much on an okay car. Interesting conceptual shift.

That probably would have saved him a lot of money, but he is really impulsive and wanted an excuse to get another car. My dad is not normal.

it was impossible to justify keeping a 2 seater as a third car after a kid entered the equation. The kid fits in the back of my abarth (cabrio) in his Recaro :)

For many people, especially people who have the wealth to drive a 2-seat sports car, it's easier on the back to get into the seat butt-first and rotate-in, and vice-versa to get out. Unfortunately, that tends to crush the driver's door-side bolster. But usually it's that or crippling back pain.

I rev to 9k at least once a day. Good therapy.

>and has completely figured out the MyFordTouch in her new Escape!

This is how I know you're lying.

"RIP EarlZ...died in a tragic car accident the very next day when a 68 year old couple crashed into him head-on while trying to figure out how to use the turn signal in their new Mazda."

A Brave New World exists. And it's the Irvine Company.