Can you explain what this means? White girl here and am legit curious.
This is the second time you’re making this comment. Clearly you’re not interested in opposing opinions but I’ll make my piece anyway: I would be okay with this woman being in the NAACP and rocking these hairstyles if she was honest about her racial background. But that wasn’t enough for her. She had to take on the…
The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
“Hey, you’re black, right?”
I’m actually so happy she gave a specific number for how much she weights. I know the number isn’t supposed to matter, and two people who weigh the same thing can look very different, but I feel like I’m constantly hearing about women who weigh 135 and want to lose 5 or 10 more lbs and it makes me sick. I just saw Amy…
Why, it’s almost as if this “United Bible Fellowship Ministries” would prefer that their employees get abortions, since they’re so dead set against pregnancy. How.... Christian of them?
I pretended to be straight for 20 years. Does that count?
Welcome to Loser Sons of Politics, a new column where members of the Jezebel staff recall with fondness the antics…
Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.
So the text messages you consider damning proof are jokes? Got it.
4 months, 243 pages, no proof, and a bunch of dick jokes, seems oddly appropriate for the NFL.