
Not even close to the dame type of car. Kia has changed a lot and really figured their shit out, at least at the manufacturing and design level.

What’s wrong with the Soul and Sportage, exactly?

Kia selling a billion Soul’s allows the Stinger to get made, right?

All of which it will do less efficiently than a minivan.

Been there. Later the Bronco II would sprout a four door model and at the same time have its name changed to Explorer.

Stop using this unoffical concept image. It gets people’s hopes up and just makes them angry. It’s not going to look like this. In all likelihood, it’s going to be a rebadged Everest.

Yeah, except she wasn’t anywhere near where CWD is currently in Kansas. They were in Ulysses, and here’s the map of CWD:

And any dog could have rabies.... Let’s just shoot them all, shall we?

So are Chihuahuas, it’s all a matter of perspective.

What I find most hypocritical about this, is that it is perfectly acceptable to run a game farm in Kansas. Multiple head of confined, hand raised deer and elk, tame as kittens and all available for your sport shooting pleasure.

They shot it five times? How incompetent are these guys?

Federal spending is high, but don’t just go blaming Obama. He’s brought the deficit spending down every year he’s been in office, and it spiked to record highs the last year of Bush’s administration when the government layed out tons of cash to try and curb the ‘08 recession. Yes, the actual debt has gone up, but

Please explain to me how something that I am FUCKING PAYING FOR is an entitlement.

No Obama didn’t double the debt. Congress did. They have power of the purse.

Question one:

Do you know the difference between debt and deficit?

Hillary is not a lying crook, unless you’re stuck in Fox/Conspiracy land.

Please do tell how countries like Canada or England manage to stay afloat with “entitlement programs” such as universal healthcare, and why it is such a difficult thing for the US, where kids can get killed just for being at school, to do so. How is it not a huge burden in other countries but somehow unacceptable for