I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

Feels like high-end hotels charging for wifi when every crappy value hotel includes it free.

That looks like a whole lot of work. This guy seems to be more on my level:

This is what happens when wilfully ignorant people are permitted to make financial decisions

None of the replicars spontaneously caught fire- a sure sign they weren't authentic. 

I was thinking the same thing but I think the other company was in Panama.

A great, smart, strong leader.

You’re not going to ask what the car was wearing or tell it to close its legs? Blaming the victim is the most idiotic logic I have seen in a long while. FFS

This was a weird product in the first place–not fully a lux option, as it would have existed in markets where E-Classes are used as taxis, but obviously intended to be higher-brow than a Renault Alaskan...

You’re telling me the company that has balanced it’s balls on bankruptcy and small cash flow doesn’t want to invest into a market that is pretty much cornered and demands perfection from every automobile?

It’s not a Skyline to people who have only played Gran Turismo and are unaware that the Skyline has always been available in mundane, boring forms and trims.

Lapid: “Anything but green.”

The best part about this comment is the dude that took it seriously.

David, if at all possible, try and find someone with a laser rust remover gun. The clicks that article will get plus that power washing itch it’ll scratch are worth every penny

Sure, but when the bank “loses” my deposit, it’s my fault all of a sudden.

Op: doesn’t want to make a poor life choice

Hey Tom, thanks for taking my submission! And thank you to all that have given me a suggestion! Needless to say, I’m overwhelmed at all the ideas and automobiles. Funny enough, I was looking at Corvairs and Gremlins when I was writing this up...

You should have seen my dad in his NA Miata back in the days riding around town looking like Magilla Gorilla.

It has become the new original NSX

Thanks, BahamaTodd. Patrick George declined my offer 8 months ago to publish my renders. Shame. 

It’s because I’m the only one interested, isn’t it?