I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

Maybe the Freelander is seen as ‘a Land-Rover for people who can’t afford a Range-Rover’ in America, but over here it’s just a car for old people.

It has leather, a high ride height which makes for easier ingress/egress when your knees hurt, and come from a perfectly respectable brand. For old folks who don’t care

I love how some white person on ONTD was like, “wtf does dog walk mean” and someone immediately responded with this

It can be driven at a normal ride height (see car wash photo) so there’s really no issue here. 

I salute you.  That’s cucking fool.

Toyota Crown

Datsun 280C wagon.

Very fitting for Cadillac. Even their logo will be an empty shell of its former self.

Two things have made flying safer since 9/11, and neither of them have anything to do with TSA:

Grope people

1) to make dumb people feel safe

I’d argue that anything making these fools look like the fools they are is useful. Elon’s whole Azelia Banks kerfuffle helped bring him closer to earth in many people’s estimation. America has a wealth worship problem. People assume that “earning” billionaire status is a symbol of meritorious achievement, and they

I don’t understand what everyone is upset about. It’s just a small fuel leak, never a big deal on an Italian exotic.

[Dealer]: Shit. How much is this gonna cost me?

Car dealers are so unpopular that a jury can’t wait to slap them with punitive damages that are 287x greater than the actual damages. These are my kind of people, because for every successful civil suit against dealerships there are most likely greater than 287 unsuccessful suits.

But cars aren’t actually getting much heavier—if you ignore the nameplate.

I’ve been a photojournalist 17 years and I’ve never liked filters because they make my $1600 lens a little soft. Why spend that kind of money on glass then slap coke-bottles to the end? It seems like a waste.

It’s a rebadged Mazda 2! Not some normal crap-ass Yaris. Also it’s got a really nice interior for the price.

For kicks, I checked the starting MSRP for a brand new QX70, and it’s $36k and change. The custom bodywork just doesn’t appeal to most people, so this seller is going to have a hard time finding someone with the exact taste (or lack thereof, depending upon your perspective) to make the sale at a premium over new.

These Mary Kaye bonuses are getting out of hand.

Psh! I beat that in a Chevy Silverado.