I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

These Mary Kaye bonuses are getting out of hand.

It's a Kei car... They legally can't produce more than 64 horsepower. 

Fact: The best non-gated manual shifter setup is the Volvo “Spaceball” on the S60R and V70R starting in the mid-’00s.

Seems like this is an update to the old way VW used to say “fuck you”:

I think this car was supposed to go to the emissions test people

Why on earth would I be offended?

Hahaha, i do exist Jason and i am one of Jalopnik’s biggest Kurdish fans. Hope everyone enjoyed the video.

Range Rover owners really shouldn’t cry about this.

I believe it. A single tangerine is responsible for our current trade war.

The additional people were added so that they didn’t leave out any engineers from the team :) You’ll also notice there are now women in the photo. Hopefully that detail gets past your “OCD.”

It’s cheesy and I love it.

This is my finest ever contribution to Jalopnik.

I did a little digging and found out this guy paid $5,700 for it at Manheim Fredericksburg in October. In all its only worth about $8,000. It’s not so bad that he’s trying to double his money, he’s trying to get 160% of retail cost!

This is also Porsche, so I’m all good with these crossovers if they keep the sports car division alive.

Fun fact. The mexican market got the second gen Sebring/Stratus with the SRT4 turbo engine.

You four. If you’re out there, I want to interview you.

I’m sure this joke will fall flat on some people, as photoshop is clearly not your forte, but I thought it was pretty sharp.

This is primarily because on a crossover scale of 1-10

If there were ever proof of the axiom that “if it exists, Formula 1 fans will complain about it”, this is it. They’ve literally done exactly what people have asked in simplifying the presentation of the tires, and of course we have to be upset about the behind the scenes nomenclature now.

How about the ‘92 Honda Prelude? that thing was as wide as the entire dash yet only had 4 gauges, but a sea of “catastrophic failure” indicator lights.