I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

OK, this is just a dumb take. Ignorant. Playing right into their cum-stained hands (self-abuse runs deep among white supremacists. Not cuz they are white, but because they are males with weak social connections, hence chronic fappers).

Hopefully the counter protesters do the right thing and are very violent. It really is time for nazis to be killed, not just yelled at.

Please define “enough”

PS please give back the Crown Jewels don’t you have enough jewelry?

Sweden, thank you. 

You have nothing in common with these British social climbers

Make sure your CPO is not a POS or you can be SOL.

Have you ever farted on your phone, because the only safe place for it was between your legs? NOT ANY MORE! Our butt plug with tractor beam has an (optional) fart shield!

Screw this guy. He did some good exposing sketchy goverment activities but at some point putin grabbed him by the balls and he became an enemy of democracy. Wikileaks is a joke now. At one point julian said he was going to crush Russia and had info on all their bullshit and then suddenly, radio silence. Wikileaks stopp

Kinja name checks out.

Ah yes, the Oldsmobile Cutlass Cialis.

I’m afraid I’m going to need to measure the brim curve on the owner’s hat before I’m ready to believe the add.

I cannot post a correction as Coco is too majestic and beautiful and I have subsequently died because of it.

This is what I was thinking.  Putting a Cygnet body onto a Vantage chassis isn’t nearly as cool as making the drivetrain from a Vantage fit into a Cygnet chassis.

Oh man, they have a turbo light! Just like my Cappuccino! BOOOOOOOOOST!

Best reviewers on YouTube

SERIOUSLY. Especially because you’d DEFINITELY notice when you went from a Sentra to an Infiniti. You’d notice a better ride if you went from a Sentra to a goddamn Vespa. 

You act like I wouldn’t want a totaled Subaru SVX

Thank you, Justin!  I am eggstatic to win COTD!

Oh no, mine’s not completely broken yet and I appreciate not having a big screen in the middle of the dashboard.