
The real EVO

Man, I haven’t seen a Chicago team fuck up a draft-day trade this badly since...two months ago.

I think they used to call it First Take.

Yea the crossbell games really need to be released here. From everything I’ve read, they’re the best two games in the entire franchise, even better than Cold Steel.

This game serves as an epilogue of sorts to the first two games, and also as a tie-in to the Crossbell games (Zero and Ao no Kiseki). The Crossbell games were incredibly well-received in Japan, and hopefully with enough support Falcom will want to localize them too. Slowly but surely this phenomenal series is

If nothing else, this makes LeBron’s accomplishment last year look even more impressive.

Quite honestly, there’s Charlie Work, and then there’s everything else.

(And if I could offer a constructive criticism, Cecilia needed maybe her own mic, I had trouble hearing her clearly.)

Looks like they are gonna have to hustle another way. Something about without access, right?

The emails were not from Hillary, not from her server, not from her investigation. They were not marked classified, the FBI is merely investigating if there was any classified information in them. There is no indication that there was classified information in them.

Comey is merely informing Congress that they’re

Very well documented that they maintain offset language as a fixture in their rookie negotiations.

Well, like they say, Jordan Burroughs is just Amman.

On the scale of shady things, being a ballpark asshole ranks pretty low. But I’ll be sure to send in a tip next time I see somebody sneak into a better seat or dump their beer on the person in front of them when they leap up to scream at an umpire.

This guy is also an attentionhawk, and you are feeding him.

Because it’s a team based multi-player arena shooter. You know, what every Resident Evil fan wanted. People knew about it they decided it's not worth talking about.

Oh had me at “The Cardinals lost...”

Yea, becaus when you inexplicably get away with hitting people in the dick time and time again, you should just be able to get away with it forever.