
just tried the mission. that is the cutest lil odogaron i ever done fought. Feels like I should be clobbering him more than i did. I think I took the the big one out faster.

I think that this is a fine thing to do when you’re paying cash.

10 years ago I had my 26th birthday party at the Medieval Times outside Chicago. It was a blast and people still bring up how much fun we had. We rented a school bus to drive like 30 of us from the city and we got hammered and cheered on our knight. I’m pretty sure they intentionally put the group of rowdy guys in the


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All I have to say is don’t even bother with Kane & Lynch 2. Not worth the bandwidth...

but it made possible one of the funniest zero punctuation review!

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

Right? Guess we’ll see what’s up soon enough!

She’s rolling up her sleeve.

Rainbow Six would like to have a word with you.

I did not expect a Fifth Element reference.

In other news I now want an ultrasonic cleaner. Seems like it’d be handy for some more sensitive items.

Washing the laundry is no big deal.

I wonder if FTL would ever come to Switch? Because that would interest me greatly.

The Yokohama one with the reddish seats is fucking dope. Not enough symmetry in baseball stadiums in my opinion.

He’s calling Darkseid to earth.

It actually sort of makes sense to me. Enclosed ship with hostile environment all around. Not that big a difference if the hostile environment is water or vacuum.

I saw the headline for this and went “pfft old news!” then immidately got this song stuck in my head -_-

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THIS was my favorite baseball game, holy flock I played this shit a lot.