God I hate to say this but, Trump isn’t wrong here. We were low on ammo. The military was low on ammo and that was on purpose and by design. We allocated funds elsewhere, places where they could actually help people. And Trump took those funds away so the military could have more ammo. There’s more to this story of…
Even if they could get the tax docs today, it would still be too little too late. Trump has done way too much in office for his base and others for tax shenanigans to even make a dent in his reelection campaign. Unless we rally around Biden, this game is already over.
The day I let Google’s satellites capture an image of me is the day I throw out my doll collection.
I won’t lie to you brother I have not been to a movie theater in at least ten years and if I have my way I will not go to one ever again in my entire life. Here’s the thing - I don’t like it. Even with all the new comfy chairs, beer, whatever. Doesn’t do it for me. It’s not immersive enough. I know that there are…
Terrible. Why is it that every single organic movement we have is ultimately leveled and made into a corporate gig for connected folx?
I wonder why people go to the movies in the first place? It’s not often that one will pay to have his time wasted, but the Movie Goers do exactly this. They drive or whatever to the theater, fork over thirteen bucks for the grand luxury of being let into some big smelly building, go find their seats because you don’t…
Just like how when a college player goes pro it’s considered a step forward in his or her career, same goes for college refs that become accepted for NFL games.
Ben Shapiro gets a lot of crap on this webpage and rightly so, but he’s dead on nuts hammered down to the money correct on Middle Eastern politics. We cannot let Iran wag the dog any longer. At some point we must become the dog. If this means troops on the ground, all out combat, and regime change then hey, that’s…
Unfortunately that will just not cut it this time. We need all out war and if you weigh the pros and cons there are actually a whole lot of pros. Not very many cons. No wonder Trump doesn’t want to do it.
Not only will it be worse, it will be a lot worse. Vapers drink tons of craft beer which is horrible for you, way worse than Miller Lite which has a cooler can anyway. Vapers will have a new class of human body in 20 years, something we don’t have right now and can barely understand. Vaper Body is what they’ll call…
Second hand vape mist is just as bad as second hand smoke. That’s why you can’t do it on airplanes.
In 20 years, Vapers will constitute the single largest burden on our healthcare system and that will make the prices of healthcare for us non-Vapers go way, way up. We need to ban vaping outright.
Milo basically created the alt-right and his downfall is a pretty huge canary in what has turned out to be a very small mine. It’s disturbing that Ben Shapiro continues to attract large crowds wherever he goes. His popularity seems to be exploding. Not a fan by any stretch, but it’s easy to see why. His style of…
The best way is to support a candidate that can beat Trump. There’s only one and his name is Joe Biden.
He’s not wrong though. Something absolutely must be done about Iran. They are a rogue regime bent on creating chaos for the consumer, and not just at the pump either. Everything on Amazon will be much more expensive in just a few weeks. All of your groceries will be more expensive. Even your rent will go up.
Working for me. Maybe it’s a browser issue?
Are you really in Alabama?
I’m sure you’ve heard about her already but just in case, Elizabeth Warren is really pretty awful. She’s a blatant, remorseless thief. She stole the Native American identity to boost her own career and then stole parts of Bernie’s platform and Biden’s platform to boost her chances of becoming the nominee. She’s trying…
Bernie does look crazy. I thought that was a big part of his appeal, no? He’s that crazy old guy that makes promises he can keep under no circumstances. He’s lovable and quirky and kinda nuts. That’s his thing right?