
I refute your 'three-on-the-column' argument as it fails terribly to rhyme; a pedantic asshole might also distinguish between a gear selector (in a gear pre selection setup) and a gear shifter.

And in 09/2013, and 05/2013 , and in 2012, and in 2011, etc...

7.) Mothers-In-Law, Am I Right??

It's beautiful

Contender for "Headline of the Year" that.

I have to say — an article about little guys, especially a UNC 'little' guy, is a little lacking without at least mentioning Tywon Lawson.


No joke! I was always curious why when he was alongside Hakkinen why they weren't dubbed as a duo: "The Flying Finn and Chin."

A chin line that even makes Van Damme jealous.

The nose knows. Papyrus - I need rolling papyrus.

You should have the underinsured motorist rider for that reason.

Well there's your problem — talk about your old ball-and-chain...

Big, big hug, buddy. I wish I could offer more or say something comforting but I'm terrible with words when I'm all out of sorts...


Jaguar just made a huge deal about buying their first car commercial. Maserati told no one and just dropped the mic on them.

Oooooooooeeeeeeeeee isn't 'e gorgeous!

Oooooooooeeeeeeeeee isn't 'e gorgeous!

Oooooooooeeeeeeeeee isn't 'e gorgeous!

The '89 clubsport is pretty much the only answer you can give...