
Technological and HDD arguments aside, I've never seen ANYTHING on 360 that looks like the graphics on LBP.

Can someone tell me if this game is any good? From the trailers, it looks worse than the PS2 versions (which I loved). The trailers make the graphics look sub-prime for the PS3, characters are still float-walking like in the older versions (leg movements don't sync with how fast they move, thus all characters look

Geez, when are religious people going to grow up. Religion is a farce that's run it's course. Only the foolish still believe, and only because they refuse to accept the facts. There is no god, and if there were, he'd give all you religious nuts a slap-down.

I'm more scared of Obama than the LHC.

No crap Xbox is easier to program for. So is SNES and Atari.

OOoooooo, a 3rd generation X-Box. My bet is that its hardware is obsolete before it comes out, just like the 360. Why anyone would buy a game-console based on PC architecture is beyond me when they can just buy a killer gamer PC, and keep upgrading it.

Didn't they like, kill Master Chief in the last one? Not to mention, Halo 3 was a disappointment. Not enough innovation. It bored me to tears.

Hmmm.... The controls sound difficult to the extent of interrupting the game. If I have to actually think about the controls instead of enjoying the game, that's a problem. Not to mention, my motto is, "If I wanted to move more than my thumbs, I wouldn't be playing video-games". (That goes for the Wii as well... if

Hmmmm... after looking at the site, I can't find anything in Colonization that can't be done by creating a MOD for Civ-IV (which I think has been done already to mimic Colonization).

I always thought "The Sims" franchise was pathetically stupid. Kinda like a any John Grisham book... horrible idea, bad execution, and yet a best seller for some strange reason. I found it ironic that people spent more time caring for a Sim character than they do for themselves.

In my humble opinion.... the best MK game they could make would be a remake of II with modern graphics (colorful though) and new characters. Because the engine would be cheap, it could be a discount game.... and still make tons. Why? Because there is a definitely lack of really fun games you can play for 10