Richard Choice

You lost me, and all credibility, at Boondocks over Bloom County.

The universal language of (self) love!

Get a shop vac, man!

[reads post]

I can't wait for the moment a javelin lands and the earth explodes like a swollen, gas-filled whale carcass.

Is that Jill Arrington being assaulted in that photo? I wondered where she'd gone.

Shenanigans? You should apologize to Moskovitz.


UPDATE: No I don't.

Shit! You’re right! I won't edit. I deserve the ridicule.

“Those people are fucking stupid.”

put the bullhorn down, man

Bo Don’t Know Sano

Those future bets are out already?! I didn’t think they put those up till after training camp.

If you don’t love this highlight(?), you are a racist.

P45X at best

My teams are “The Under In The Browns Game” and “Whoever Is Playing The Browns Minus Whateverthefuck”

Paris, London, & Sydney? Yes, please!

I don’t even like when my team plays the Browns. I’m afraid they’ll get....Browns all over them.