
#FakePeople #AlternativeFolks


the same people that went to his inauguration.

Maybe those are the 3 million illegal voters no one can find.

Maybe there just invisible people? That’s a thing right? LOL

Meanwhile, at CPAC:

And as usual ~ alternative fact: The tie is way too short and the belly is way too flat. Lord I haven’t seen a popular image portrayed this falsely since, well since The Lord Jesus.

Portrait of a Dipshit

Yeah, I had to get outta that line when I realized my mom was standing in it.

My coworker Stephen is trying to help me out:

You’d think Duke would have more compassion for Evans during his time of need (call me, Chris).

There’s something about someone who can be equal parts articulate and foul mouthed that just makes my liver quiver and my knees give way.

I get the feeling a lot of things will be grisly and bare soon enough.

Maybe the grizzly bear who ate the Dept. of Education staffer because they didn’t have a gun typed it. They’re apex predators, not spelling bee champs.

That’s what we need to do more of. I have yet to get a chance to have a situation where it’s that personal. I know quite a few folks who wouldn’t/won’t take that step. But to be honest it’s not something we should lament. People have to realize we must stand up and be heard. And there is nothing to describe the

I completely believe that he’d sell his soul to Lucifer himself, if that act would turn him into a white man. He’s the poc who feels proud of knowing some white people. Go look at him golfing with Eddie Van Halen (someone w/ an Asian mom who definitely identifies as white, & has said some questionable shit in the past

How was one lone woman standing up and flipping him off an interruption? If Lopez had just ignored her and continued his show, no one would have noticed her.

George Lopez has always rubbed me the wrong way and I hate his brand of “comedy”. He is the gold standard for internalized misogyny and racism.

Well, at least he was nice enough to have her and her friends removed so they could enjoy the rest of their evening not listening to a washed up unfunny comedian. So there’s that.

George Lopez is painfully unfunny. He also gives off a distinct self-hating vibe. Like he would push a button and not be Mexican if he could. But he can’t and he’s a hack, so he’s stuck in this unfunny career that he knows is unfunny.

The lady in the audience could leave him and his corny hate behind. But he’s stuck