Secret to Everybody

It's not plagiarism. There's nothing wrong with what he's done here.

It's been a common and accepted (occasionally lauded) approach for at least 2000 years. No reason to change now.

I've seen a few teflon coated grills around. Those would probably work too. I can't cook eggs without a non-stick pan, and probably wouldn't try un-foiled fish without a non-stick grill.

So um... welcome to the postmodern world. This is just how it is now. People chop and mix and add and twist. Nothing is canonical, nothing is sacred, nothing is taboo. Everything's for sale.

Lucas hating is lazy. It's just too easy. No one gets any hipster cred for it.

I was mostly thinking that a wood/stone/bone combo was enough for some humans to gain the efficiency necessary to support dedicated artistic and scientific communities. Who knows where it goes from there. But without large amounts of metal, it probably won't follow the Civilization tech tree.

Probably not an ending that someone who signed on for adventure and exploration would find satisfying.


And expect your life to feel a tad wasted when an Earth ship from 4270 picks you up while completing its weekly cargo run and sells you to a zoo.

Don't need metal for kickass philosophy. That's really my only requirement for "advancement".

Minus the voiceover and my knowledge of how good the movie actually is, it still looks like a Star Wars I could be excited about.

Oh I'm sure there are a few extra fish swimming around the Gungan city. Maybe one of the minor pod racers blows a raspberry at Sebulba. You know, stuff that just wasn't possible with the technology at the time.

Well if it ended up worse off from its overreach, I guess it would count as cautionary. At least it would for someone who prefers humans to cockroaches. Maybe it depends on how big they are in your part of the world...

I think we do have the capacity to care, and exercise it pretty frequently. But it seems a bit human-chauvinist to think that this puts us under some moral constraint either way. (Though I certainly admit that it does affect how we make choices.)

Don't all these things just fall under the heading of proper service anyway? Obviously I don't expect free stuff (which is probably offset by the larger tips anyway) but I probably wouldn't continue to shop at places that don't do the rest of these.

So do we use this as a cautionary tale or license to keep on keeping on? It sounds like the moss itself continued to thrive.

Some combo of (1) exclusively ex-utero reproduction and (2) drugs or genetic mods to suppress sex drive are probably the ideal endpoint:

This "Unnatural Selection" book looks pretty damn sexist, though I expect the author hides behind the usual, "just calling the demographics like I sees 'em!"

To what extent does time travel fall count as a portal? Sometimes it's used just like a portal, with no significant connection between origin and destination. Other times it's only used for "I'm my own grandpa" stuff, and the differences between the two sides aren't really paid any attention or they aren't distinct

"No FTL" is even worse if you can't have portals. Then you don't get to go *anywhere* exotic.