Ha, I was JUST about to make a comment saying exactly this (Edward Said would turn in his grave reading the "white saviour complex" shit going on in the comments)! The racist and anti-Islamic comments on here are seriously getting out of control!
Ha, I was JUST about to make a comment saying exactly this (Edward Said would turn in his grave reading the "white saviour complex" shit going on in the comments)! The racist and anti-Islamic comments on here are seriously getting out of control!
That's because she is one. Just check her comment history!
More heinous than nazi culture? Um...what? As a German, I feel quite a bit offended by you saying this. Your Islamophobia is beyond unreasonable if you honestly believe Islam is worse than the Nazis brutally enslaving, exploiting, abusing, and murdering millions of innocents.
Gosh darn, the actress who played the mother was just so SUPERB in those moments, wasn't she?!
You called me an "unbelievable moron." I daresay it's you who might feel more at home at reddit. And after your bizarre rant I simply am unsure what the "point" go is. MY point was simply to caution towards taking one woman's HIGHLY biased and sensationalist book (and yes, I have read it) as the basis for judging an…
Lol, calm yourself, please, darling. Why so emotional? Deep breathing... And then re-read what I wrote without over-interpreting and getting yourself so enraged, will you? Thank you, and goodbye.
Oh yes, yes, that is obviously EXACTLY what I meant with my comment. *eyeroll
I agree, so much! I think the problem was that when Rory was younger and living in Stars Hollow it seemed more realistic that everyone there saw her as this amazing super genius because, GASP, she likes to read books and has good marks! But, the older she got the less the whole "specialness" seemed to convince me, and…
Oh God, that movie was the WORST!!!!
"An actual true story." It is a highly personal, sensationalist account with a VERY biased view on what happened back then. Just sayin'...
Funny, I always wanted to write a novel about a teacher going to a foreign country and teaching at an international school there! I was thinking more towards Japan or South Korea, but Saudi Arabia would be quite intriguing too actually!
So you think a series like this is the right place for that? Have you READ the pitch? Kidnapping, royal compound, rebellious (white) teenage girl captured... How is this a premise to allow an even-tempered, artistic (!) representation of both the good and bad aspects of Saudi culture? It's nothing more than an…
Of course you need a penis to cook! How else would you stir the soup???
Girl here, and DnD nerd to the BOOT! Been playing since I was in high school (well in my 30s now) and with an all-women's group too. So kindly fuck off with your stupid stereotypes, thank you and goodbye.
I wasn't aware that music is a "men's only club" - interesting. Better shut my ears next time I hear some tunes then I guess.
God, both my father and stepfather keep doing this! They are both academics like me, but in COMPLETELY different areas than I am (sciences vs. humanities) and yet they KEEP TELLING ME HOW ACADEMIA WORKS! What drives me really mad is that even when I very clearly and calmly say "I already know this" they KEEP…
I think all of the people in these pics look severely uncomfortable, but maybe I'm just projecting because I've read too much about him!
My thoughts exactly!
I KNOW, right???? Clearly, this study was designed by (possibly clueless, virginal?) men, no?!
I stumbled over that one too! I mean...huh???