
Get yourself therapy, you are a sick fuck and you need help.

France does have an age of consent, 15. Hence the “sexual abuse of a minor under 15"and “she looked at least 16". I’m a bit confused.

It’s considered that on paper, anyway. As for in practice...

The thing to remember is that the wo/man on the street? Is appalled.

Unless their parents sought a judicial waiver to marry their child to the rapist.

Look at you! Using the same old French sexual superiority defense for a grown man fucking a child. Calling an 11 year old a neophyte, sexually assertive non victim just makes you a piece of shit pedophile.  

Ugh, what a disgusting comment. This “sexually self-assertive... non-victim” is free to be “normally inquisitive” with other (consenting, “inquisitive”) preteens. A grown man having sexual contact with an 11 year old is not normal, and it is harmful to the children involved.

Sure, looks 16 in a still photo or at a bare glance. Not “looks, acts, communicates and behaves as if 16.” I’m going to assume the 29 year old didn’t assault a polaroid and I am sure there were plenty of indicators that she was much younger than 16.

By all sorts of people or just by certain men?

Just kidding! Rape culture is not something that goes away when I shut the WiFi off.

Well, they’ve been welcoming to Roman Polanski for years, so this probably shouldn’t surprise anyone.

There is no 7th or 8th grade girl in the world who wants to have sex with an old man. I’ve been one, and there is no way to convince me otherwise.

It is SO EASY to not side with a child rapist. Literally the easiest. I’m so fucking exhausted by all of these jackasses.

“it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world”

Exactly! So what the hell is this asshole even talking about?

The rapist himself pled guilty.

I work with eighth graders in a one-on-one setting fairly often.

There are no words. NO WORDS.

I’ve been on a “Don’t get me started!” rant hair-trigger about Tarantino for about 20 years. He can’t write women, his racism is appalling, and his rape obsession has always horrified me. Nothing surprises me about that creep.

I’m so relieved that people have started to notice his shit because in the ‘90s I felt like I was the only one who disliked him for all his obvious problems. I guess the ‘90s was a decade where we forgot that womens and racial issues mattered and Tarantino types got passes but so glad that maybe time is up on these

Oh, fuck that. That is so fucking vile.