Janelle is fucking amazing. I just love her. And Kesha made me ugly-cry so hard. Jesus.
Janelle is fucking amazing. I just love her. And Kesha made me ugly-cry so hard. Jesus.
But that’s a form of victim blaming isn’t it. It’s her fault because she cares.
The playing of games (or bodypainting, or whatever else the activity is; I’m not super familiar with Twitch) is the product. But even if your line of thinking were true, why can’t people appreciate silently and respectfully? Why does “appreciation”= gross harassment?
Take your own advice, and go fuck yourself.
wait... what? You’re saying that they deserve sexist comments?
God, gaming culture seems like such a hell hole.
“She was asking for it”
You literally missed the point of this article.
I’m in love with that outfit too. I don’t think she’s wearing arm wraps. She’s probably wearing a shoulder cut out top, which normally I do not like but she makes me want to get one.
(BTW, I love getting compliments about my outfits from men or women).
Trust me, you’re fine :) He’s over-reacting.
But im not, im just saying I liked her outfit. I mean obviously time and work went into that outfit, its all color matched and coordinated with different parts. Its a bit different than going “omg show me ur boobs”.
Stop. Just stop and reevaluate your life if this is your stance.
Guys, he’s from the Black Mesa PR department. Did we expect anything less than an immediate and public screw-up?
So they deserve sexist comments when they stream basically nude? Do they? Do they really?
Ok, so they are giving you a warning, not an approval to act like a total dick face.
Like anyone gives a shit about what you have to say either.
Are they using their charm to get viewers? Sure they are and why not?
And what exactly was the reason for replying in the first place? Solely to be rude? You are clearly this person’s audience since you have replied twice when you said that you don’t give a shit. Are you that unhappy with your life that you have to respond rudely to things that you aren’t interested in? Are you,…
Fuck that dude. You’re chill.
The fuck is wrong with you? What non-existent perceived audience of yours are You stirring shit up for?
Oi. I know we have been policing women forever, and I saw it first hand growing up when religious leaders tried to police how women dressed for the “sake of the men.”