
Spot on. I've always felt he was in a class with Robert Wagner and George Hamilton acting-wise rather than, say, Paul Newman and Jack Nicholson. He is the prototypical early '60s bland matinee idol they kept around to play Natalie Wood's love interest. Then with a combination of off-screen personality and picking the

Yess on Vivacious's walk. I love a contestant with real drag history. But if that's how she sews I have a feeling she won't be around long.

It was annoying to have a themed runway and then not judge based on appropriateness to theme. Sure, Kelly Mantle looked like she had bacon on her chest (which to me seems besides the point because that's what the producers put in the damn box), but how on Earth is that Downton Abbey? She looked like Rita Wilson at a

More likely model for the statue: Jeremy Sisto in a Jesus miniseries

The weirdest thing about all of this is that they don't actually use or promote that feature. I'm a Dish subscriber with a DVR and the hopper is not a feature on the remote or in any promo I've seen. As if a lawsuit could be any more frivolous…

Ernest Hemingway, grandfather of Mariel Hemingway

There's got to be a home schooled kid somewhere who grew up believing that Kidz Bop was just normal top 40 pop, and worshipping those kids as actual pop stars. That's an interview I need in my life.

Just my two cents: I've always thought Seth Rogen was mega cute. If anything, the only turn-off is the lazy narcissism involved in making a movie like "This Is The End."

I thought it stood for T-boz, Left-Eye, and Chili.

No thank you for that image

Hmm I'm thinking Spencer as Dixie Carter and then bring in Jane Krakowski as Delta Burke

The reason the sketch sucked is because the joke literally was that Scrooge is angry because he's closeted. No twist or anything. That's just so unbelievably lazy and dated. I hope it was just something recycled from when Fallon was a cast member that never aired, because if not…yikes.

I'm still bummed about Watkins being fired. I'd love to see her come back and have the career there she didn't get to (I've always 100% believed she was fired because of whatever pull Kristen Wiig had). She'd fit in to the current cast well, I think. I think Wilson and Slate ultimately weren't the best fit for SNL,

Jimmy Fallon initially was the kind of guy who makes you think, "oh, he seems nice, I hope things work out for him." Except then things really went too well and it's upsetting to see him coast by on total incompetence. I'd love to see literally any other cast member during his tenure on SNL have the career that he's

Have they ever done an American Horror Story reference? At this point it would be kind of old but I'd still love to see it. Maybe some kind of fake concept for the next season. The whole show is about repeating tropes so I doubt it would be that hard. McKinnon would probably be Jessica Lange, Noel Wells would make a

What confuses me about Madonna is that when it comes to acting and interviews, 98% of the time she is charmless. But then she's totally great in things like that old Linda Richman sketch. And she at least tried when she hosted back in the '80s. I think she must have just burned out some time in the late '90s. I don't

Yikes. That's really everything that anti-comedy is building towards.

If you're unsure, ask someone their preferred pronoun. If for some reason you can't, the best pronoun to use is "they."

I'd like to see her get, say, a limited-run series on Comedy Central. She doesn't seem very versatile, but she's a delight and I'd love to see her develop this whole humiliated-character-reacting-to-escalating-horror-scenarios thing and see where she goes with it. I really hope she doesn't get pigeon-holed into the

I remember having to watch "Rover Dangerfield" on rainy days during lunch instead of going outside. Someone, somewhere thought a depressed cartoon dog who is also a Borscht Belt comedian was something the kids would love.