Gerard Sorme

I don't want to go back to every site I have visited. If I go to a site and I want to keep a link, I use I also export my to Yahoo MyWeb as they cache the page and I'll never lose the information even if the site goes away. (A lot of people don't know that about MyWeb.) I don't use Yahoo MyWeb

I use it for two things:

I am with picantel. I turned off my startup and shutdown sounds long ago. I think a lot of people are just used to it, Microsoft defaults to it and that's just how it's, "supposed to be." I first went to a quick sprinkle-like sound for startup and shutdown. Finally, I realized I didn't need them at all and turned them

Re: falcolas advice regarding credit:

I think while these sites can help many track their goals, it should be said that pen and paper has produced some pretty solid results for centuries. Whether it's a Moleskine or a 49 cent spiral, it can be a much quicker, easier and productive way to jot down notes, check off to-do lists, mark a completion of a day of

This year:

I keep two folders:

This is a very interesting application to be sure. However, I am guessing it installs with all the default settings of the application, which sometimes includes things like Yahoo Toolbar, etc. I like to have a handle on exactly where (path) and what I am installing. I will give this a try to see how my concerns are

Procrastination - which leads to a need to rush things, which results, too often, in doing dumb things.


mamessner: You are so very right. Add it to my long list of, "If I had only ____ (fill-in-the-blank)." I finally DID learn, but much later than my wallet wishes. If one learns *young* and acts *young* on saving, the magic of compound interest almost guarantees a wealthy future. It's just that simple. I refer any and