“Blacks are violent”, “...black on black crime...”, “50% of the murders in America...”, “...over-represented because they commit the most crime...”, etc.
“Blacks are violent”, “...black on black crime...”, “50% of the murders in America...”, “...over-represented because they commit the most crime...”, etc.
Statistically, three-fourths of whites still live lives almost totally segregated and isolated from everyone else. And yet, week after week and month after month, there’s a seemingly endless parade of whites nonetheless consciously making this same choice. That exerting vast amounts of undo time and energy, in the…
In eternally unrepentant, yet guilt and shame riddled, white supremacist America, can there exist a worse curse? To fully and inescapably know the hideous depth of the historical sins that go with being white, and wish with all one’s heart to escape one’s connection to them and be black? And to also have now an abiding…
From the slimy, conniving, backstabbing, racist, British “statesman” Winston Churchill:
It just so happens that my favorite writer of all time, related to all things black, is the late, great Mr Ralph Wiley, who wrote primarily for Sports Illustrated magazine (But Mr Harriot is gaining on him like hell with every essay!). And it also just so happens, that if you were to go back into the archives of the…
Believe it or not, it was even better than it sounds. Part of the backdrop for that tour was already a thunder and lightning motif. So it was as if the natural lightning storm was cosmically coordinated to go with the show. True once in a lifetime timing!
Uh...what’s the male equivalent of taking off your earrings??? ‘Cause I’m ‘bout to...!!!
Let’s see if we all got this straight? You start off by inflicting five nonstop centuries of the most unfathomably sadistic acts of kidnapping, rape, torture and murder. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. All day every day. Supposedly justified strictly on the basis of a thing called race. A concept that you likewise…
Here’s the fun part. This book always ends the same.
Despite the periodic exceptions like, say, Oprah, or Obama, or Michael Jordan, three-fourths of whites continuing to live their day to day lives in almost total racial segregation (not-so-coincidentally secured by the out of control thin blue line) perpetually betrays white America’s deepest, darkest, true heart.
THIS is the essence of where such a headline comes from.
He has shared countless times that he started off originally being home-schooled. Because his mom “didn’t trust white people to teach her children the real truth”. So, the dedicated “educator” who laid his clearly “superior” foundation was none other than his mom. LOL
I can tell you all the precise instant when I will love this country...
Periodically I repeat this rather sobering fact.
That’s an understatement.
Can we talk?
Please stop the GOP rants. This racism garbage started centuries before the GOP ever existed. On the very first day that Columbus and his merry band of pervs first laid eyes on all the pre-teen Tainos. And what’s more, despite all the current rhetoric about BLM, right wingers are far from the only white folks still…
From Christopher Columbus and ships full of unashamedly greedy and selfish pedophiles, who virtually wiped out the Taino people. To greedy and selfish bigots standing loyal to a racist, sexist, grifter killing them in droves from coronavirus.
If white evangelicals in a structurally patriarchal white supremacist society somehow believe they can, hell, why not everybody else???
I’m not yet sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, but I’m gradually losing my capacity for “getting mad at a snake, for being a snake”.