Occam's Homemade Shiv

If you don’t like the review, maybe you should accept it as simply a dissenting opinion. Also it kind of says something about your argument in that you had to resort to personal insults against the reviewer so fast.

Yeah, I think that’s the frustratingly baffling aspect of the current FC games. They really want to create those setting and stories that evoke very unambigious connections to the real world. However, not only are they completely unwilling to say anything meaningful, they actively avoid anything that might be

That all depends if the car’s owner actually kept up with the registration.

I think people are getting tired of the FC games having a facade of political meaning and then just straight ignoring it and pretending like there’s nothing political about it. In a way I almost think it would be more moral to make the game straight socialist/commie bashing and super pro-capitalism because it would

As a cyclist I know it only takes one fixie bro running a red to give us all a bad reputation, but just this week, I had a guy flip out on me because he wanted to merge to a right turning lane and I had right of way while hugging the curve. I delayed his life on a Sunday morning by seconds but he acts like I grabbed

I disagree. The Cruz is a lifestyle truck that’s meant to attract people that don’t need a truck, but like outdoorzy things. Think Subaru Baja.

That’s assuming the Santa Cruz is aimed at existing truck owners that Hyundai is trying to lure into downsizing, which I don’t think is the case. It seems like it’s marketing towards folks that would otherwise buy a Subaru. Folks that do a lot of outdoor activities, but aren’t looking for a “real” pickup truck. 

Either this attorney thinks everyone is an idiot who will believe this hogwash about “criminal intent” or he’s the only attorney not to have understood a single thing in first year law.

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

I bet my left nut that his parents make voting choices based on “law and order” and who’s “tough on crime”.

Learning that the train’s damage was mostly from vandalism and not from sitting was the saddest part. Images as recent as 2019 show it to be in mostly complete condition. Apparently, it gained some unfortunate popularity after people on social media posted its coordinates.

Innovative placement of the rear door handle there...

I can only speak from Canada - but I used to live in ‘our Texas’ out in Alberta. And I can say without a doubt that this type of thing was way, WAY, WAY more common there. I had trucks whip by me, rolling coal, frequently. Not every trip - but probably half the time. Out on the coast, you never see that. Maybe some

Literally a failed state, it failed to be an independent state and had to beg to be admitted to the union and rescued. Biggest mistake America ever made was admitting Texas.

These are really good cars I rented one in Michigan once.  I do have very low standards I admit, but it’s a great ride, with plenty of power from the turbo engine.  Stereo system is junk but oh well.  Infiniti’s have really good build quality also.  These things will be roaming the suburbs long after most audi’s and

You’re fucking blind if you mix a Q50 dash up with a Venza. But you write for Jalopnik so I guess that goes without saying.

It's one of my biggest pandemic pet peeves. It's crazy how little people understand about the idea of ventilation, which seems fairly simple. "But it's outdoors!" So was every building before you put up walls and a ceiling. 

the transit really replaced the E series, can you sill get an E series in anything other than a cut away?

Meh. They aren’t bad. Conservative designs are popular with many people. Not my cup of tea, but nothing wrong with it in cars.

Baller move. Yeah, don’t tell people things will be outside and then just construct a building in an outdoor space. That just makes it inside again! I’ve seen so many restaurants do this - offer outdoor space, then essentially build another building in the street with four walls and a ceiling. You just recreated